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Everything posted by Frogger

  1. https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=AwrDQyn_brZhSzAATxC5mWRH;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawN2aWQEdnRpZAMEZ3BvcwM0Mw--?p=changing+water+impeller+91+90hp+johnson&vid=9dbd13932836ce668492346adf1aadc1&turl=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOVP.Xh0PVmk95H_ALsBk4ySJwQHgFo%26pid%3DApi%26h%3D360%26w%3D480%26c%3D7%26rs%3D1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DiLTLSumvHUI&tit=1989+Evinrude+90+<b>Water<%2Fb>+Pump&c=42&h=360&w=480&l=538&sigr=0OTLbEK9kSnw&sigt=NVhUz8ZwTnBd&sigi=bxl04azV5Kdi&age=1573617572&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=ipad&tt=b Pete, see if this helps any, I’ve got a 93 115, same block as the 90 v4. Never remember that I had to do all that other than pop a pin out to dislock the shifter rod from the linkage.
  2. Pete, what year motor? Did you figure it out?
  3. Yes, nice work! I can’t even imagine how difficult it is to get into a project like that while trying to film it. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Frogger

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Yep, agreed. Also makes the point to follow the law, wear your orange. Guess they begged him to wear it prior to the hunt but refused.
  5. Frogger

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Not much tree time this year but we had some fun this morning.
  6. Agreed, it will be interesting the number of hunters that don’t wear orange not because of being seen by deer but by other landowners who own the properties that they are trespassing on.
  7. That makes sense! Thanks for following up. Hopefully both treatments took especially this last one with alll this rain.
  8. Yes, agree with Lakebound, lots of spots that are productive down that way. Easy to access also with the launch right there.
  9. Shakem, it’s always a crap shoot it seems from year to year. For some, weekends help them locate active fish by seeing the boats. Others like myself would rather stay to weekdays and less crowds. Looks for the weeds and edges in that 15-30 ft off creeks and bays. Fall time is a good time but that winter spring can even be better. So don’t store that boat if you can help it. I will tell you this, if you see boats in February on the lake, somethin somethin might just a be happening out there.
  10. Frogger

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Wow! He gets it done!
  11. Jason, I’ve got the raymarine ev-100 and will hold a course jerking copper going 1mph. No issues with it what so ever. I’ve got an aluminum and even on windy days she holds great. For what it’s worth.
  12. Saw this yesterday as well, somewhat confused as I’ve never heard of them doing the application twice in a year. Did they not hit the tribs on Seneca back in June? I thought it was all systems go with the good weather we had that month?
  13. Wow that’s crazy cool. Congratulations! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Yes! Way to go Bill! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. Great video! Congratulations! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  16. Tom I would also try to find out (if it’s worth it) to see where the corrosion is coming from? Galvonic or some electrolysis from stray current. Something is eating the heck out of it from those pics. Not sure if you keep it in the water or you keep it on your trailer. You could put a meter on your negative side of your battery and touch your aluminum in different areas with the positive lead to see if you have any stray current. Start turning on your equipment one at a time to see if you see volts. Lights, depth finder, bilge etc. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. Stud bow! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. logger head! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  19. That time of year! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  20. I’ve heard that as well Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  21. So if I were to come across a deal on a 6.5 creed more should I grab it? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. Take a reputable charter. You won’t regret what you’ll learn! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. Yes! Bill, you are the man! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  24. I sometimes think we miss the point on what this get together was all about. Look forward to the next one. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  25. X2 on the tourney! Congrats to the winners. Nice to meet up with some Lou folks as well! Here’s the board. 40lbs! Wow. Massive bag. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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