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Everything posted by Adk1

  1. ok, I think I will run it off the boards. I have both direct and inline planers.
  2. do you run the cores down the middle like you would a copper? Here is my situiation. I have to riggers and two DD setups. I also have a lead line rig that I would like to use. I could either put this on a board or run down the middle..thoughts? I guess if I were to run down the middle I would have to move it or remove it when there is a fish on?
  3. I have heard mixed reviews of the flea flicker..why/how does it work?
  4. just do a search on youtube. I have looked it up many times
  5. I am not running snubbers and have never been out there yet. learning this as I go but from what I have learned, more reason not to run them
  6. ok, thanks for the replys. Even though I haven't fished Ontario since the mid 80's when I was in my teens, I cant but try to do what I can to keep the fishery going better than in was back then. If Iwant to keep a fish for the table I will but I want to know what and how to release them back for another day if I decide that I don't want to keep them. ITs up to use to keep this fishery going.
  7. yeah I hear yeah. I wont be using the electric DR's other than 2x a year on lake o. my lake is average 30 feet in depth. I use lead line here. the only thing that I know is that once those breakers that have the manual reset on them trip a few times they start to wear out and will start tripping easier each time. My electrician that I have been using at my business told me that, so I figured that having a handful of 30A fuses on hand basically eliminate that element in the equation. you basically start from scratch each time
  8. this just uses 30A bus style fuses you use in your car etc. Yeah, I will have to add a loop connector on the end of it that will connect right to my new Deep Cycle batter. Each rigger has its own fuse and both will be connected to the deep cycle battery
  9. I thought the eaters you slit their gills and throw them on ice
  10. went down to my local Ace hardware and picked up two inline 30A bus fuse holders and a bunch of 30A fuses. should work out slick.
  11. So I could use that one for both of my electric riggers? and does that basically mount on the positive terminal?
  12. Ok, just looked them up on West Marine website. I really dont know what I am looking at. Can anyone post an image of what I am looking for? many thanks in advance
  14. Tim Bromund got it..where can you get one? I know what the Boga grips are.
  15. I don't know what these are but see allot of pics of people holding up salmon via a hand/hook type thing? Anyone have a link to where I can get one?
  16. Man you guys don't screw around fighting the fish..reel reel reel! wow. What size boat you in?
  17. Oh man! yikes! So how did you remove that mess?
  18. Ok, so its not like I have to pull each rig in every 15 minutes or anything like that right.
  19. IT sounds to me that you are running on outboard if you are priming the bulb. Did it ever even try to start? Could be any number of things just as everyone has indicated already. When was the last time you checked the plugs? No spark no go..and yes, I never hit the lake without first starting the motor in the driveway with the muffs.
  20. I have never been out on Lake O to fish for salmon etc. Rookie here. Anyways, I see allot of posts where basically every fish caught is kept or at least it seems. I also see some posts where salmon are released. How do you know whether or not the fish is going to be able to be released? I have been told that the kings are brought up from such great depths and colder water and with the way they fight to the point of exhaustion how do you know if they are gonna make it if you release them?
  21. So Iwas given a pair of Mag 10A's. I only had the plugs that are attached to the units so I ordered the replacement cables. $140 later I might add.... I got them all changed out tonight and tested them. they work great! Now I have to attach them to the battery. The tag on the new cables say to add a 30A fuse with a manual reset inline with the positive cable. I have seen inline fuses before but never one that had a manual reset? I plan on connecting both riggers to my new marine deep cycle battery. Any help would be appreciated. thanks
  22. Nice T shirt, you get the pro pack too? haha
  23. I have a name for it to rymes with yours but I think I should keep it to myself...haha
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