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Everything posted by tuffishooker

  1. Like some other ?ed on this site not sure what you are asking and why ? Bottom line for me with the information given again " If it ain't broke don't fix it "
  2. We know little until the body is found !
  3. It's the " bad apple " that will cost you business !
  4. He left Oakville alone on 30 ft. sailboat for short sail across to south shore ; his boat was found adrift off of Rochester NY [ that's a long drift ] with no one on it ! 68 yoa and 30 years sailing experience . Last PM the Canadian Coast Guard has called off the search ! ? Another sad lesson in life jacket use .
  5. Truism in hunting " It is not the gun but the gunner " ! For me the same in fishing reels ! After 34 years out in Lake Ontario I have used most ! From generic [ cheep ] Penns to the reels in question . Keep the reel serviced ! It is the drag which will make or break a big salmon ! Many will disagree but my favorite is my very old Shimano lever drag !
  6. We usually die as we live ! Thanks for the eulogy well done ! " Dances with Fish " but I dance with my wife LOL !
  7. Thanks for the " post mortem " [ often we do not get an answer on the cause of the problem ! ] . Question remains why did the engine overheat in the first place ? If you buy a used engine the impeller can be a service item IMO .
  8. Great topic with some excellent stories ! It is the FEW poachers and trespassers who ruin hunting for the rest of us and can prompt needless postings of the example given ! A no trespassing sign has to be respected ! We advise land owners to post their property that we have permission to hunt on then they find the signs have been vandalized !
  9. Forget the waders ! Stay a SAFE distance from the water , no fish is worth risking your safety . Many of the fisherman you we see know the river you do not ! Have you considered getting a guide ?
  10. As previously posted your problem is the cable ! Any twist or kink will weaken the cable along with a bounce with a wave ! Who said salmon fishing is cheap , I tell all " newbies " be prepared $$$ ! I doubt Canon is the problem !
  11. Ditto on the shore ! Changes quickly and can be dangerous !
  12. Yarn fly work , very simple setup for a DIY ! Roe bags are the staple . The musky fishing is done form a boat but anything is possible in the lower river !
  13. Your initial post did not mention the obvious problem of overheated motor ! your mechanic is correct the engine is probably ruined , cut your losses and move on ! I would guess the cause was the impeller [ water pump ] which is a service item .
  14. Shimano Tekoa work fine for me !
  15. Plugs MAY be easier to remove if the block is hot/warm ! Put on Anti-Seize lubricant [ Permatex] on the plugs when re-instating ! Again if you are going to change the plugs change the wires and you are done !
  16. Take a-plug out and look at it #1 The spark plug wires do not last forever either ! Two opposing views #1 If it ain't broke don't fix it ! #2 Follow a regular service plan ! No easy answer but every mechanical issue I have had has been lack of regular service on my part ! Remember that FRAM commercial " Pay me now , or pay me later but later is always more !" Thanks for asking this is a great site !
  17. Why would you spray either on the block ? Spraying either on the spark plugs , into the combustion chambers and throats of the carbs may give some indication that the problem is fuel if the engine does start momentarily and not electrical !
  18. ? BOM , please define ! Again keep us up to date when you start , we can learn from your efforts !
  19. How did your mechanic determine you had internal damage from overheating ? As posted if the compression is good the engine is potentially salvagable !Do you known that the engine was overheated ? Commonest causes are a blocked intake , usually from a plastic bag blocking the intake or an impeller that was not changed at a regular interval which would disintegrate and pieces would block the water passages ! The wrist pins on the pistons would go or the needle bearings on the crankshaft would go ! Turning the motor by hand may give an audible sound , then it is probably " game over " ! If not it should start then there would be no doubt with the knocking sound ! Again how id your mechanic decide that you had internal damage ?
  20. Thanks for your polite response DavidA . sometimes I get the opposite from some of my Canadian " friends " ! From start to finish how long did it take to finish the boat ? Everyone can have a different situation ; my friend is a tradesman who finishes Friday noon and has the rest of the weekend for projects ; I am a professional who can be called out at any time which can easily take the rest of the day ! I can do better money wise by working than by " tackling " a very major project ! As I read you have the skills and probably the tools of the project ! I personally will not start something I cannot finish ! I have seen boats that were never finished , wasted time and $ !
  21. ps. DavidA did you include YOUR labor costs or just right it off as a spare time ? hobby ? eg. retired , nice pension and lot of time on your hands ?
  22. Again , as posted , " cheap " pays x2 or more ! Probably the biggest single mistake I have made in the past !
  23. Bottom line for me is to pick your days , after that go down the decision tree ie. what do you trade off one way or another ! I fish a 16 ft. aluminum Starcraft for the last 34 years and it has suited me fine within its limitations ! Many factors come into play !
  24. Let us know the diagnosis so we can all learn from it !
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