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Everything posted by tuffishooker

  1. The Ontario Government and other interested companies have tried to bring Lake Ontario to " What it was " with an effort to reestablish the Atlantic salmon fishery which was effectively wiped out before 1900 by poaching [ farmers used pitchforks to " harvest " the fish for pig food ] ? loss of habitant as shown in the video ! It looked like the natural habitant structure had been cleared for what reason ? As seen by the replanting efforts with trees etc. by the volunteers ! So far these efforts have not achieved much ! one of the problems has been the forage base ie. the cisco which also disappeared , the alwife creates a thiamine problem in the Atlantic salmon ! Our efforts to reestablish the cisco have been dubious at best
  2. Rest assured the " Asian "cook does not own the restaurant and the boss " lady " would freek if he used it at her business ! He wanted specific cuts for his personal use ! I have heard rumors of illegal use of coyotes and feral cats for meat but I cannot prove them !
  3. Well done ! Many issues which may affect Lake Ontario ! More to follow !
  4. Ditto " whaler 1 " ! If you want more game deal with the predator ! We will take as many as we can shoot ! [ An Asian cook asked us to give him the flanks and belly if WE butchered it ! not clear of the safety and the legal problems ! ] We will tan nice hides !
  5. Thanks for the detail information " Sandwick 50 " ! I have no information on private individuals releasing geese in Ontario : The urban and farm nuisance was substantial seeing a school yard covered in goose excrement , farmers having their new corn torn up by flocks of goose . Some birds were live trapped and located to rural areas of Ontario ! The apparent assumption would be that they would take up residence not clear to me ! We hunt cull coyotes on a regular basis and find clear evidence of coyotes destroying goose nests ! I would add posts like " bla bla " contribute nothing to the web site !
  6. As a regular Niagara peninsula [ Ontario ] goose hunter many issues have been brought up ! #1 Our limit has been dropped from 5 to 3 birds ! #2 We are not the main predator of these birds IMO the coyote is ! Deal with it and the numbers will increase ! #3 The # of birds was approaching nuisance/varmint levels ; the MNR was spraying nested eggs with oil so they would never hatch [ sic] and the " antis " call us cruel ! #4 What is a resident or migrant bird ? Two of the birds we took were banded one from Ohio the other from Pennsylvania which seemed to be mixed with the resident stock ! Again deal with "Willie " and you will have more ground nesting birds !
  7. #2 Warrior " Blueberry Muffin " ! Don't leave the dock without that one ! [ if you can find one ! ]
  8. As previously posted the weather is the main factor holding me back from day specific derbies !
  9. A good idea IMO !
  10. Greasy chicken wing or plain chicken wing in various formats !
  11. Another great post site ! IMO anyone can be scammed including myself more than once !
  12. What does this have to do with " Canadian Water Violation " ?
  13. Still not sure about the anti " Permatex Anti-Seize Lubricant " [ sorry for the pun but I get that way after not been able to go fishing !] argument ! Do as you wish I will continue to use it unless I get a good reason not to ! How about putting 30W oil on the plug , which I have done ! Again that spark plug was probably overtightened but how would you ever know ?
  14. I buy " Great Lakes Angler " magazine off the retail rack !
  15. Lots of good information and advice here as usual ! What I may have missed is a short safety chain attached to the bow and trailer along with the winch ! The problem has been at ~ 5 AM unloading in the dark and a bit dozy the " helper" unhooks the winch but not the chain , I back in you can guess the rest , ie boat floating attached to the trailer ! Have seen more than one boat role off the rollers !
  16. Why no downriggers ? I would add at least one manual rigger 1
  17. What is a " carcass tag " ?
  18. Ditto on the road kill for bait ! Do not tell anyone may be in violation in some jurisdictions !
  19. I noticed the " lip gripper " holding the fish ! IMO the only proper way to release a fish !
  20. Any problems with the Suzuki engines ?
  21. All at once or one at a time ! Were do we get an out of state permit ! [ When the border is eventually open ]
  22. Southern Ontario considers the coyote a varmint with open season all year ! We will shoot any that we can !
  23. Not sure of the question on the transom , but bottom line in either boat ; you have to pick your days on Lake Ontario and esp. Lake Erie ! We were out on the AM on the day the boaters were swapped off Point Breeze in a bigger boat than mine [ with one fatality ] I had a newbie with me [ I give basic lessons in seamanship to the young people ] On that day I stressed the importance of wind direction , that day strong from the south . ie. the further out we go the worse it gets !
  24. " Spoonpullers " is the local site , sigh on there also !
  25. Excuse my extensive knowledge of short forms ,but what does FTP stand for !
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