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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. John, You mentioned the boathouse, which is where i send my customers to, but there is also the Wilson house right in the town of Wilson. Do you have Kevin Jerge's number? He runs the boathouse.
  2. Chase females! I spend so much time on the water and in the woods my mating season goes from December-Early March!
  3. I dont see why not. We do it with leadcore off the riggers.
  4. All you really need to do is make sure your string is the correct length on each side of the knot. I cant remember what they are off the top of my head, but there is no need to drill more holes in the boat or put in a dual keel. Although Im sure it would make them even better. If I remember the length or find a PM I sent someone during the season i will chime back in. Didnt I PM you those measurments Gill-T?
  5. Dont forget to let it out SLOW. It will sink so fast that it will curl the copper.
  6. I had mine done at Jay Ve. They have a guy who does all thier reel repair. Fairly reasonable. I also send mine there to get lubed every couple of years.
  7. Damn Nick! Id be pissed too. I hope everything works out for the better. You gonna be at the Boat House this May?
  8. I dont personally own small inlines. I run otter boats like many of the copper gurus in Oswego run. They will pull 500 or 600' of copper no problem. Copper dont stretch, so you should be able to get a good hook in them.
  9. During last years Sodus Pro Am I was running 1 500' off each board and a 600 down the chute. We doubled up first thing in the morning off each 500. Landed them both. I have also run all 600 off the board with no problem. If I were you I would go with a 10 color instead of the 200'. It gets the bait 100' further behind the boat and the action on core is much better with the rise and sink on turns. With that being said You have 2000' that leaves you with enough to spool up other lengths greater than 200.
  10. Spring (May) - Set the rigger rods first. All 3 of them. Then I set up the 2 wires or slide divers. Next the boards go in the water and i set my top line out the the end near the board. Next comes a SWR rig just inside it. These two lines are set for coho and steel. Summer/Early Fall - Well, I let the inside wires on both sides go out on the clicker while i set the middle rigger with the probe on it. Once thats done I get the corner riggers in the water and then the outside wires. Once that is all said and done I plan out what junk lines will go in the water (lead, copper) and set those last. Fall - Set riggers first. Set divers second, and lastly a few top lines off the boards and a core down the chute. These may change a little but fo the most part its the same. How bout you fellas?
  11. LMAO! Yeah you would know about ruinin copper now wouldnt you!!!!! Im sure my day will come. Anyway, What Billy V (Jim Rome) said is about everything you need to know. There are differnt types of SS wire that guys are using. Malin is proly the most popular brand. I use a 30lb 7 strand called American fishing wire in thier camo color. It is actually a thinner diameter than Malin, but you have to be very careful with this stuff becasue if it is left limp it will curl after its been used for half a season. I have no complaints other than that. I actually think it may go a little deeper than the malin becasue of the diameter, but I have never done any testing. Per their websites the American fishing wire is .012 and the Malin is .015 inches in diameter. http://www.malinco.com/fishing/stainless_cable.html http://www.americanfishingwire.com/
  12. Gee.....now that was a long time ago!
  13. If Bill catches a Brown Trout I'm all done with the trip!
  14. When we get some ice give me a shout. I would be glad to take you.
  15. I would have reccomended Irondequoit bay for Perch, but the weather isnt looking very friendly lately.
  16. If she does give the better looking one tome and the other one can go to LandShark!
  17. Maniac - Time and Date? You tell me and I will be there! Lets make plans?
  18. Does it get rough with the current? Is that why you talked about the low freeboard? I've taken many a wave over the bow but the water is generally warmner when i do that. I got a 36volt 101 thrust trolling motor......do you thinkthat will work?
  19. TOO MANY BUTTON BUCKS are killed each year! 3 of them were killed this past weekend on the farm. If Im shooting a doea and its belly doesnt sink down then im not pulling the trigger! All of the 8 pt's taken off the farm were 2.5yr old bucks.
  20. We never traveled to the bar after the the first weekend of the Spring Derby. There were kings in front of Wilson the whole month.
  21. I have seen better! The deer I shot with the bow I saw pushing a does opening weekend of archery. I saw that all season long, but nothing crazy like 3 bucks chasing a doe.
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