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Silver Fox

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Everything posted by Silver Fox

  1. John is out of state for a graduation. I found this out when we went to weigh our bow yesterday. Took it to the cove and you know what happens when you visit the cove.
  2. We did many fish today on the less action side w/ a 20" leader. When it starts to push into august I do better w/ longer leaders and on the fast action side.
  3. http://purpletacoflysupply.com
  4. FYI Rick. Inspect Rob's little lunch cooler before he gets on the boat!
  5. I guess it could be a brown. I'm not seeing the pronounced X's and the tail doesn't look forked at all. We caught one last weekend and you couldn't miss the X's. I'm not posative either way. Just leaning towards a Brown.
  6. Fishing is still ugly! Had a half day trip till 11:30am and ended up 5 - 6. 3 small kings, 10# bow and a 14# laker. Best depth was 90-130'. Riggers 50-60' down, 10 color core and 100' wire took our fish. Gr/slvr Stingrays and DW SS in grn/slvr also. We marked 2 pods of bait and a few fish all morning. Good water color, but still nothing in it. Good luck.
  7. Fished till 10am today and ended up 3-4. Brown, atlantic and small king. 2 hits on lead core 8 colors out with blk/slvr/pink stingray, 30' rigger with a stinger shrimp and wire out 90' with a coyote stingray. 80 - 110 fow took all our hits. Gps speed was in the upper 2's. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  8. We run 12# on our rigger rods with 15# cheaters all the time with no problem at all. You'll be fine. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  9. Selling a pair of Cannon double planer boards that are in very good condition. $80.00 for the pair. 585.370.8068
  10. Our crew took my wife & bro-in law out this morning. We had a 10 rod spread out and fished 60-140fow looking for some silvers. About 9am we had 1 coho & a small king. Both hit the 18' rigger w/ a stinger shrimp. Then we went chicken farming on the bottom in 95fow. We ended up finishing @ about 10:15 w/ 7 lakers. 6 of them were over 10# and the biggest was 14+#. Hammerheads and spin-n-glows took these. We'll be back out on Monday morning. Good luck.
  11. I got some last year at captains cove in oak orchard.
  12. Mag dipsies will flip on the higher setting if you let them out to fast. If it flips it will then be running closer to your stern and all screwed up. The mags work great, but you must deploy at a slower rate than the regulars.
  13. Coho's. They looked to have been scaling. Thanks for the report! Thats looks to be the start of the silvers we've been waiting for. Ca'mon weekend!
  14. Definately at least in the upper teens. That is a pig w/ fins!
  15. Newly stocked Browns don't count. Nice article.
  16. Up until recently, their has looked to be cold water not to far north (you could see the haze). I don't think these fish broke through there to get across. Maybe it's all the smelt in their bellies. I'm not sure, but we normally are knee deep in silvers by now. You guys had a ton of coho's at the river this spring too! I've also heard of the bows still coming out of the tribs still. I just hope when they do get active they are not in that June "scattered" mode. BTW Bruce: I heard you get hung up on last week. That was priceless! I was laughing so hard, I think I wet myself. Bob rules!
  17. I hope you don't try my suggestion last, because you'll be pissed if you do.
  18. Coup, Next time you go fishing, lick your thumb and index finger. Then touch the 2 sensors on the front w/ your wet fingers. It should work flawlessly after that. We had the same problem our first time using it, so I called a buddy and he told me to do this. Hope this helps
  19. We did it last year on the Sunday of the orleans pro-am and I think we were fishing very shortly after 5am. We fished till a little after 11am. Docked the boat and drove to the Oak by noon w/ no problem. We had a good time and would do it again. This year I do have the time to fish the whole weekend and will be fishing the pro-am. Btw: Yes a 1pm weigh-in would've been nice, but if I do it again, noon is fine.
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