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Last One

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Everything posted by Last One

  1. Fished Fairhaven over the weekend, Fleas where very very bad. Even 30 Lb big game didn't work.
  2. Nice Job! We where out in Fairhaven as well. Boated 5 lost 6 but all we boated where small kings and Cohos.
  3. Nice, Hey save some for me. Will be up Tuesday for the rest of the week.
  4. Great to hear kings are being caught, we will be up next week for 5 days.
  5. Thanks for the infro, I was hoping to pay less then $ 12 per pack, when buying by the case.
  6. Does anyone know where to buy cases of cut bait?
  7. Great show! Makes you want to get out their
  8. Yes, very interesting. I never knew salmon where native to Lake Ontario.
  9. One thing no one mentioned was Fleas, Braid is a flea magnet. I use 30lb wire and yes we get some fleas, but nothing like the braid.
  10. No matter how you cut it. Marina's and the communities lost money this past year. With the High Water No wake zones and bad weather each weekend No boat rentals People cancelling there summer vacations because you could not play in the bays. Bass tournaments did poorly, they where either cancelled or attendance was low Lost gas revenue Hotels, Bed & Breakfast, cabin rentals all suffered a decline Restaurants also lost business. So when it come to my slip rental I just want to help keep the Marinas in business. It is tough enough with only 3 months to make your money for the year.
  11. October through November are usually the lowest lake levels of the year. So we are still in trouble for next year, even with a average amount of snow/rain through spring.
  12. I have only one question; Where do we stand with the lake Ontario water level today as apposed to same day last year?
  13. 5' to 8' waves with a few 10' thrown in. Another lost weekend
  14. Little Sodus inn and Turtle cove are both open.
  15. Wave 2 to 3 ft this weekend, surface speed .08 to 1.2, ball speed 2.4. change direction surface 3.2 and ball 2.4. Alsp temp is great I look for 50 degrees then some presentations above and below. Speed is critical at your lure. There are enough things you can not control, meat verses flies depth the fish are hitting. Riggers verses Dipsy. I also have auto pilot and would not leave the dock without it working either.
  16. Nice fish, out of what port? Never caught one over 30Lbs from the lake.
  17. Ya, Buggspray is the only product which seems to work.
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