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Everything posted by TyeeTanic

  1. OK, so I assume you are hooking the main line to the swivel arm. Sorry for asking a basic question, but I'd rather make no assumptions. Then off the back ring you have a leader line to the lure? How long? What number setting do you have the dipsey on? Are you putting the weight in the correct position. If you hold the dipsey with the lever arm up, and looking at the back, so you can see the weight, stand on the side of the stern you want to deploy the dipsey and make sure you turn the weight to the center of the boat. That will make sure it goes away from the boat, instead of to the center. Is the weight tight, or swivelling around easy? How do you throw the dipsey out of the boat? Does the lure go in first and allowed to trail before you submerge the diver? And you let it out slow, as in 1 ft per second (to start, then you can go faster as you get it right). Do you have anything else between the dipsey and the lure - flasher/?? If you do all the above, there's no way it should tangle. Mark
  2. I'm pretty sure I have 2 spools of 20lb flea flicker. If you want them, you could have them for free, but would need to pick up. Too busy right now to sort out mailing/payments/etc. Am in Oakville, ON.
  3. OK I will admit I have never used Pledge, but this is what I'm reading, so I don't want to even try it on my isinglass. http://www.boattest.com/resources/view_News.aspx?NewsID=3371 I've also read guys on blogs who state they used to clean their isinglass on their Jeeps and it makes an old panel look great, but following some time, the window yellowed up. I had to replace a panel due to bad sun damage, and that cost me a lot of money, so I don't want to mess around.
  4. We caught 4 fish between 6:30 and 8:30 am in 80 fow, about 40 to 50 ft down last weekend. The biggest was 15 lbs, but we had a monster hit that broke the 40 lb leader at the knot just after that.
  5. Do not use pledge. It really works to clean them well, but chemically attacks the eisenglass, which will become brittle and yellow prematurely. I've tried 210 and Plexus. Plexus is REALLY good.
  6. Spoons? You should see the fly names, like Crazy B!TCH, LOL
  7. I live 1 mile from Lake O. I also think I should be there all the time. LOL.
  8. Go for the 7, seriously. I have the 5, the screen is a tad bit too small especially when I split screen the map and sonar. Maps are important so you can mark fish/hits and follow your trails back. It's okay in my setup because I also have a Standard Horizon GPS, so with two units I can full screen both.
  9. What part of your line gets tangled? Is it the part between the tip of your rod and the release, or is it the leader to the spoon? If it's the leader, it could easily be your going down too fast. The leader line ends up vertical and close to the cable. The spoon action twists it around the cable. Can you release it slower? You should go down more than 2 or 3 ft per second.
  10. I have an HDS Gen 1, it is really nice, powerful unit, good features, easy to use. Have had it 4 years now, no problems. The HDS Gen 2's are really nice, especially the touch screens - so easy to navigate where you want to in the system, and zoom in/out, etc. That's where I would invest.
  11. Dan, where is the braid breaking off, at the knot? What knot do you use? What brand and strength braid do you use.
  12. Since Darrell tuned the probes to be MUCH stronger, the system is great. I was out on Saturday with probes on multiple lines and the down rigger, so I knew exactly where each line was and what the temperature was. It has my vote.
  13. Sure you can, but I wouldn't advise it for a few reasons. (1) you have to then transport your rod will all that extra weight bouncing around, not good for the rod or wire. (2) you may have to change dipseys - either size (shallower, deeper) or color. There's also no point in avoiding the swivel on a dipsey. It is not a stealth setup like a spoon, so you don't win anything by doing this.
  14. My guess is also they are good to hear from only a couple of miles. BUT! The coast guard will probably be able to hear you from further away. The issue is as others have said the antenna size. The coast guard antenna's are big and will pick up your signal, but on the other hand the handhelds are weak and won't be able to pick up the signal in return. That's what I heard.
  15. Like this: http://www.lotsa.org/Wire%20Line%20Knot.htm
  16. And if there are waves. It's a plus my us thing, you'll get the right setting after a few tries.
  17. 1 to 2 on each side, depending on what is working.
  18. Every since last year, bait has exploded on my fish finder screen. I'm convinced now that there is a huge imbalance of prey vs. predator. I don't know what has caused it. Is something killing off Chinook, or preventing successful spawn (does thioamine affect Chinook)? Has warm weather in prior years caused an alwive boom? It's hard getting fish to go after your metal bait, when there are millions of real bait to choose from.
  19. I have a 5.7 and troll with it at 600 to 800 RPM. No temp or oil pressure problems.
  20. Running one per side, use setting 1. Running 2 per side use setting 3 and 1.
  21. I really like the twilight bite. But once that sun is below the horizon, time to head in. I don't like it, don't think it's that effective, and it's too dangerous boating at night. I've seen lots of guys doing it, and sure some may catch fish, but I don't think it is as productive as day fishing.
  22. I have all of those. The twill tips are probably the best solution in my mind. Don't look as nice, but they really prevent kinks in the wire.
  23. Weave in and out of the mudline, around 35 ft deep or so. Lines down around 20ft.use reds, oranges and yellows.
  24. Not for my team. All of our double digit days are mainly using paddles and flies. Sometimes spoons and sometimes meat. We will sometimes throw a squid bait into the mix and flies still catch more fish at least 10:1. I've tried squid when the bite is hot and I've learned that I'd rather have a fly on that rod as generally it is more productive. Anyhow I'm glad squid is working for you, I'm certainly not telling you to stop using them. But I on the other hand will continue to mainly rely on paddles and flies instead.
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