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Everything posted by Rippin'Line

  1. You can get out but with a wnw wind 10 to 20 mph on Saturday night through Sunday there's going to be some good sized waves.
  2. That is bad a$$. I sense a new project on the horizon.
  3. That's it. I've seen enough. Bringing the small boat up this weekend. I can't wait for the docks to go in to get out!
  4. i used to stack. hated it. Lower rig fires and gotta start all over. Perhaps try running 3 riggers with one either ran down the middle or angled towards the middle.
  5. 75-85 overcast, 2 footers, nw wind. and i second the blondes but must add a cooler full of cold brews and iced down 30 lb kings in the fish boxes.
  6. Haven't stopped since September. Great winter run
  7. Banana shaped rigger weights. What will they think of next.
  8. Anybody know if its open or not?
  9. I also fish Canadice and Hemlock and let me tell you be sure you have a driver if you do decide to run dipsys. The size one dipsy will spin your boat around as soon as it hits the water. Last year i began using them on the fingerlakes (always run on big boat) out of my 14 footer at canadice. I had my riggers about 3 foot up from me because the ebam wasnt wide enopugh to run them off the back. No my boat tracks pretty good if I climb up front. Now i attached the rod holder i was going to use for the wire rods about 3/4 of the way up the boat and as soon as the dipsy hit the water it spun me right around. After some practice i got pretty good at deploying them out at the exact same time but i moved my rod holders to behind the riggers right by where I drive. Now sturdy rod holders are a must but metal ones arent a necessity like they are on Lake O. The fish simply dont get as big. The plastic cannons you can get at dicks i run. Hope this helps and good luck. Maybe I'll see you out there some day.
  10. How much for that boat? Or tree? Or tree boat? Haha
  11. I see it says attached thumbnail but im not seeing a picture?
  12. The width of your beam and how spread out your riggers are can play a part in it as well. flashers specifically spindoctors can cover alot of water and as soon as they cross eachother your in for a mess. I know form experience and it is not fun.
  13. It is illegal to use parts of gamefish as bait. Get caught and your facing a hefty fine. I second rubbing my flies and spoons on fish in the box to add scent.
  14. Very good show today. Enjoyed myself. Thanks guys. Can't wait until next year.
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