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Chill Bigeasy...you need to wory more about the things you can make a difference in this country than worrying about wether or not you can fish next week or not. The carp problem is in the hands of the envioromentalist now and there is nothing we can do at this point. When the time comes when we need to step up i am sure we will do what needs to be done but right now we can only sit back and see what is being done.


Believe me, I am worried about the current serious problems that we are facing as a country,and rest assured that all my representative know about it.I am not one to sit still and say nothing.

As for sitting back and leaving it in the hands of "environmentalists, I can't feel comfortable doing that,because no matter how much the so called environmentalists try and help,their strings are being worked by politicians,and what have politicians done for us lately?

Sitting back never got the population of this country anywhere.sitting back and waiting,no matter what the issue is or was,never benefited any of us.

A population of people sitting back and waiting,got us right where we are in this country at the present time.

Pardon my rant,it's not aimed at you.I just think that what ever the issue is,most people take a much to casual approach to them.Squeaky wheels get the grease.It's time to get squeaking.

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If the carp did get in the great lakes, there are 2 way into Lake Ontario. The Niagara River and the Welland Canal. The trip over the falls would not be a fun one but could they survive? Could they put an electrical barrier in the Welland Canal and the Niagara to keep them out of Lake O? How about a barrier at Lake St. Clair (I believe it's thd Detroit River)? Not a good situation no matter how you look at it.

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I encourage everybody to look at, enjoy, and share what we have now in terms of quality fisheries in the Great Lakes Region, because very soon it may all change for the worse. Much worse.

These fish - Asian Carp - are going to invade the Great Lakes if they are not here already. It's definitely too late and certain to happen if they do not immediately physically separate the Mississippi River Drainage from the Great Lakes.

When I worked as a biologist in the early to mid-90s on the Mississippi River and its tribs south of St. Louis during a couple of summers, there was the whisper of the Asian Carp because some had escaped due to flooding in 1993 in the deep south. When I returned there for summer work three years ago, they were already prevalent and and I experienced the dangers of dodging these jumping fish comparable to some of the more extreme scenes from these videos (see below).

This happened only in the span of TEN YEARS! At the time, I was under the impression that they were a warm-water species and would be limited to the south. Now I come to learn that they thrive in colder waters. Kiss the already impacted Great Lakes fisheries goodbye. These carp will make the Round Goby seem like a welcomed and desirable species once they become established...

Last week, one was killed in a man-made canal (the only water connection to the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River Drainage I believe...) during a purposeful fish kill to prevent the spread of this species into Lake Michigan.

Although the video quality is relatively poor, I encourage you to watch both videos (a two part series) if you can stomach it. The first gives some background and the second shows dramatically what the risks are to the Great Lake and Canada.

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Today,the state of Michigan filed suit against the Corps of engineers in an effort to make the corps close a 5 mile stretch of the canal thereby completely disconnecting the Mississippi from the Great Lakes.

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The Cal-Sag section wasn't treated. Only minor netting operations were undertaken in the area that article talks about. Treatment started much closer to the barrier, so it could be shut down for a few days.

I expected that the shipping companies would get their buddies to start spinning their propaganda right after the treatment. They're the ones who've stalled the main barrier project right from the beginning and wouldn't allow the Corps of Engineers to turn up the voltage. What's another invassive in the lakes to the shipping companies?

Tom B.


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