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Mr clean's Fair Haven Report

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I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread with updated specific information on the Fair Haven area. A general thread where you can go and read updated information on what it or is not being caught. With all the fish that comes into Bayside Marina, the Charter Captains that work out of there and being it is a DEC check point there is so much information I cant help but think it will benefit others who want to fish out of this area.


What I will do is when I see what is going on I will post in here. Certainly anyone else who fishes regularly can post in here as well. Lets try and keep it general and simple yet informative.



As of yesterday the Brown trout fishing  was very slow. Clear water, south winds, still some cold water has more or less shut it down (for now). However what was coming in were nice Salmon in the mid 20's range and very large lake trout in the high teens and low 20's. The interesting thing about the Lake Trout is these are not the drag on the bottom mud chickens. These guys are coming up to the 50 foot to surface range along with the Salmon. Most catches were in the 110 to 160 range straight out the chute more towards the east. Spoons like  stingers were popular and it seems that live bait was irrelevant. Fishing was spotty. Some got blanked and some filled the rack with a nice mixed bag. This weeks weather should remain beautiful....for sun tanning lol. But if you want some action, it seems the 110 to 160 range from surface to 50 feet is what it is for now.....Good Luck.

Edited by mrclean
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it seems like the fishing this year is slower than last year at this point. Will it get better for browns and salmon in close or will they stay out? Last year it seemed it was better in closer to shore.

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The weather pattern we have been in the past week and a half with gentle southerly winds pushes the warmer water off shore. If we get a NW we may see these fish back on shore again. Get out early these fish will be active on top. As the sun comes up they are moving down. 2 to 3 color cores with spoons worked well. Carmel dolpin was my best for steelies and diehard for lakers and kings. riggers varied from 30 to 50 down with spoons and sliders on the corners. Center rigger and dipseys were white / green dot in the am, chrome green dot once the sun came up with A-Tom-Mik Hammer flies. 70-120 on the center rigger and 120 to 180 on the dipseys. The fish were all over from 100' on out found no end.

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Great idea mrclean! Good info from Popeye also. Thanks for sharing guys. Fairhaven is a beautiful location, we have met many fantastic folks there over the years. Can't wait to get back out there!

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Thanks guys.


Well the weather has been awesome. The pattern still is the same. Like Popeye said get out early, fish up top and hang out within the 100 to 160 range and you should be ok. It looks like a new system moves in tomorrow so we shall see if it effects the browns.


We went out yesterday for about an hour or so and picked up a real nice steelhead. She weighed in around 18lbs. That seemed to be the pattern for most out there. Steelheads, kings, lakers and a couple of scattered browns, mostly off spoons. If you use riggers keep the spoons about 60 feet behind the ball.



Edited by mrclean
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Can I ask why there is not allot of reports coming out of Fair Haven Port? That is the port that I am targeting to launch out of on my maiden outing?

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No doubt it was a late start. Especially after last year when we had virtually no Winter. Realistically its still early and hopefully more reports come out soon. The park really has not been busy and people are behind compared to last year.


The pan fishing is now starting to pickup so thats a good sign. Hopefully this coming system might bring the browns back.


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Can I ask why there is not allot of reports coming out of Fair Haven Port? That is the port that I am targeting to launch out of on my maiden outing?

Quite simply there are not nearly as many boats fishing out of our port. Only 10 - 12 Charters operate out of Fair Haven. Quiet little drinking town with a fishing problem.

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running behind doesn't start to describe it for me...  I have the batteries charged, but not back inthe boat yet. Maybe this weekend I'll have time to start her up and maybe do a shake-down. only been fishing twice this year, and that was in the jonboat on a little lake for crappie. There may not be a spawn on that little lake this year - they spawn around 60 - 62 degrees and the water temp has been over 67 since right after this warm spell started.


Gonna give the browns a try out of FH on Memorial Day weekend. Will be camping at the state park.

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And I would imagine by then everything will be up and running. Some of the biggest browns i ever caught were around that weekend. Last year being a very warm Winter and instant Summer this year really is what it normally is. There are plenty of shakedown runs to be had


I like to use this as a really good guide as to what you can expect weather wise. It gives a good look at the wind directions






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Lol let me tell ya what... It was so windy that when I was looking for driftwood on the beach, the sand blowing on my face actually made me look sunburned lol..


And its not a good idea for a 135 lb person to stand on the pier when its like that lol....If I held up a large garbage bag it would have blew me over to the park lol...


basically this is what it looked like




Im going out tomorrow to check it out. It should subside by then...she was pretty churned up I would say...

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There back. Here is the senario


This morning there was a two foot chop with very murky water, NW winds. Temp was 45 degrees surface at 18 feet, 52 surface (which is basically all of it) inside the chute line.  The murky water goes from shorline out to 18 feet. I picked up a fair amount of fish right outside the chute so I concentrated in that area. It was just me and two charters from bayside playin around when I was out there.


I spent an hour plus out there, got two nice hits off my little cleos and they were gone by the time I grabbed the rods. I tried to stir them up by doing semi tight circles (cleos are great for speed variations) and zig zag patterns but that was it the two hits and done. I would like to think the other two did ok if they were out there for awhile and utilize multiple rods (I can only run two , I was by myself) they should have scored something.


But they are back, issue is south winds blow back tomorrow then switch west so hopefully she idles down..But if you can get out I would say go for it...

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Yup, conditions were fine. The lake calmed down and I figure I would go out for an hour or so and see who's gonna zoom who lol...


But it was a great morning to pop around abit. And as much as I got beat at my own game, it was an awesome morning to be out and I felt it was worth 1.20 of Aretha telling me I got zoomed lol....(this song came on as I was fishing so I thought it was appropriate, lol)


Here's the short vid that will show the conditions....



Lets see what the next few days brings...Hopefully the other guys came back with something....



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