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I feel your pain on the fleas..absolute nightmare yesterday! I did a low/mid 20's King right off the bat and only a skipper after that..took a North troll to see what the deep water looked like. It was cold and fishless out to 400. Highlight of the day was running in from 400 ft. @52mph on the GPS! Took me about 10 minutes! Back at the dock by 10.

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Its the cottonwood, more than the fleas...At least with fleas you can whip some of them off when running 30lb..Cottonwood no way...I have never seen it this bad..Its almost like the cottonwood and fleas combine to make some sort of glue..With algae mixed in for good measure...If your not cleaning lines every 15mins...your gonna have big problems

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If you let the crud sit over night and it dries, and just crumbs off because it is fully dry then it has no cottonwood in it. In Oz it is all fleas, when we were done, I put the rods away, and pulled them out the next morning and it just fell off. Cottonwood retains water and takes forever to dry. A couple weeks ago we had cotton wood terrible, it was all over the surface, this is under the surface down 30-40’. You guys in the western part might still have cottonwood, but deff not on the east end.

Capt Rich

Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United

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The fishook waterfleas have serrated sharp edges on their hooked tails and they pack on there in numbers and may even cut into the surface of the line so they are VERY difficult to get off there. The Spinys are much easier to clump up and remove.

Edited by Sk8man
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Oh ****, now we have two types of fleas, and cottonwood? I ran into cottonwood on etie this year, worse than fleas. Yes you can get them off easier the next day after they've dried, but that's no help when you're trying to fish.

Sent from my XT1030 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

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Maybe where you where Andy, but all of mine were fleas. If it was cottonwood, it would have been all over the 50lb just like the 30, but the 50 was clear all the way. Either way it creates a mess. Will be gone in a couple weeks.

Capt Rich

Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United

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Can't wait for them to die back. So thick Saturday and today, they were tripping the Scotty's for everyone I talked to, on coppers too. Had to bail and find clearer water. Good thing fish are all over. Nothing will keep them off other than fishing where they aren't.

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