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  1. Today
  2. In my experience, if you’re looking for fillets the most consistent is Onieda. BRB and Chaumont are both really inconsistent IMO….fish are there/then gone. Most of the fish I catch out of both bays are big spawners id rather not eat. Very rewarding when you do find them and make them bite tho. Of the two BRB is the more consistent for the time period you listed….just my opinion.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Anyone ever try the saltwater freestyle jigs? I have done well on bass and all sorts of saltwater stuff with them. Even got a flathead catfish in the Ohio river with one.
  5. Congrats to Jake Maier and his crew for winning BFF today!
  6. I sometimes use it during the week. It has a pay machine that accepts credit cards. The launch is fine and parking is free. If you want to go salmon fishing , you should be prepared to run a few miles to deep water. During the weekend it’s over crowded. If you launch a few miles farther west, you will be in deep water a lot faster. I live ten minutes away from Irondequoit launch, but I prefer to drive to Sandy Creek. Braddocks Bay has shallow water issues.
  7. Lots of better places to launch unless you specifically want to go out of I Bay.
  8. Do you run them with a flasher and Twinkies?
  9. they have a kiosk to pay. yes on the launching early. with that said this time of year during the day it is a s*** show at times so as long as your willing to be patient at the end of the day your good if your not than i would recommend not launching there. personally i don't launch there during nice weather in the summer if i can avoid it for just this reason.
  10. Hello All, Can somebody tell me the rules about launching at the state park in Irondequoit? Do they charge? Can I use a state park pass card to get in? Can we get into the park at zero dark thirty? Any info is appreciated.
  11. No lures held up fine. One got in the rigger cable and the other we were struggling to get in the net and I think it got in-between the main and kicker and hit something. Worst part was it was hanging right there and I could not get the damn net behind it to scoop it even after it broke
  12. 3 of the 4 we had on last weekend came off those. Broke 2 off at the boat. That was a hit to the gut and the wallet!
  13. Thanks! That's another lure I have to try.... LOL Seriously, they look pretty good, and in all the right colors.
  14. No but have been using the freedom tackle hard herring bait that spins this year with good luck https://www.fishusa.com/Freedom-Tackle-Herring-Cutbait/
  15. Climate change has changed Sodus Point
  16. forgot to mention I have a fish hawk x4 transducer if anyone needs one. Also having a sportsmans sale tomorrow at 70 chase dr,New Haven NY starts at 9:00am
  17. Just wondering if anyone else is having any success using either the Brads Superbaits or the Yakima Spin-N-Fish? I know they are a mostly west-coast area type of lure, but they do have a good meat rig style of spin and they can be filled with scent. I have never noticed anyone mentioning them in the reports, but maybe someone has had luck?
  18. For sale are a pair of clamp on planner reels and pullies in very good condition. Can text a photo upon request. asking 300.00 OBO. call or text 845-341-7056
  19. for the most part leadcore, but Dipsey divers, jet divers, 50+2 snap weight method, and downriggers can all be utilized to catch walleye, even experimented with some copper line last weekend. If you have any questions feel free to pm me
  20. I bought 8 deep six's and I know they have a stated depth rating on each one (40, 60, 90, 135), but I can't seem to find a dive chart anywhere. I am assuming 100 feet back gets you to the rated depth, or is it more of a 2:1 ratio? I don't know. A ratio makes more sense. My 60 would be 120 feet back, my 90 would be 180 feet back etc. etc. Running 40-pound braid for these rods. I have contacted Rapala customer service, twice! with no response. That is irritating, they are NO help. thanks Cat
  21. Group, With your experience, which would you say consistently produces filets for the pan between May and Sept and why? Average Joe Fisherman with a 17ft Targa who is not interested in wall-hangers. Thank you!
  22. I had the same problem with Diawa Saltist 40LC. Diawa made a design change last year and moved the line counter to the top of the reel. I bought a couple of the new version reels this winter and that solved the problem for me. I still have the old version reels. They sit in a zip lock bag in the cabin and are now a back up reel.
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