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  1. Past hour
  2. IMHO Magdas are fine except drugs in them. Aint tuna fishing. the rest of my reels are Convectors. Good drag is the key in the game.
  3. Where do you get supplies for this. They look great and very “fishy “. Tight lines Joz
  4. Went out to test a boat I’ve been rehabbing last evening…no downriggers on the boat yet but brought along 2 wire dipsey wire rods…set up in 100 ft trolled out to 200 ft…took 3 hits on green goby copper back dream weaver spoon …landed one 10lb King…dipsey setup was 200 ft at 2.5 setting…boat ran perfectly and catching something was a bonus…good luck☀️
  5. I fished from 3-7pm and got nothing for first three hours out in 180 to 350. Didn’t mark anything. Went in to 120 and immediately got hit on 325 copper then ten seconds later dipsy with FF got hit. I was fishing solo so had to leave dipsy rod alone. Fish on copper broke me off when I was taking planer board off. Fish on dipsy still there but spit the hook back of the boat. First time using Deep Rig Tackle herring strips. Sceptical at first but ended up taking two 19 lb fish with them. Once might be fluke but twice is a pattern so I’m sold.
  6. Today
  7. Good morning everyone! Just stopping by to see if anybody has had any action out of Wilson or Olcott lately. Things haven't let us get up there yet this year and this weekend will be our first trip.
  8. We fished the evening bite, or lack thereof. It was choppy with a NE wind and despite marking some decent bait in 180, we only took six shots between 4:30-7:30, with a mix of skippers and teenagers. Everything was deep between 85-95 down.
  9. Found good fishing out deeper yesterday off sandy, meat took the best 3 fish in 350'-425'. Chinook divers back 180-220' and riggers 90-110'. Found smaller fish and warmer water inside of 170'. Finished 9 for 11 solo.
  10. When it comes to silver plating why would Hinkley be using a plating different from Sutton, when there are Govt. imposed standards? I have new Sutton's purchased a week ago, I will see how they hold up. Also for some of the old ones I purchased some Rust-oleum metallic finish, "rich shiny finish fast drying", and I am going to try spraying several spoons, with three coats and see how it works on the upper water column. For the deep water 60-150 I use Stingers silver on one side, green on the other--usually works. Not all Stingers are silver plated, watch the packaging. I also use glow in the dark tape on one side, for deep water. I only fish Seneca Lake. You can tell if a spoon is silver plated by putting small dot of clorox on it, and it immediately tarnishes. You can remove the tarnish with a silver polish.
  11. I got of work early and took advantage of nice evening tonight. Fished til 8:30 trying a new piece of rock. We went 4-6 on walleye, a bunch of sheep, a bass and a football brown trout. Bandit electric zebra took all the fish on my brother’s side of the boat back 55-65’. On my side it was a Livingston Deep Diver back 115’-65’ that took the most fish. Word has it that Barcelona has tons of fish.
  12. I took my kids out of sandy this morning. The bite was fast and furious till about 9:00 in 150 to 200 fow. Then it was a grind till about 11:00 when we got back into them east of sandy in 180 fow. Northeast troll was best for us all day.
  13. Went out from Sandy today, lines in at 9:30 out at 2:30 We really struggled fished in 150 to 180 fow had one release on the rigger with nothing there. At 12:30 we were still getting skunked so headed in for lakers getting 6 of them and a brown. doubled on the rigger rod with a laker and a brown on the cheater which was cool. Anyone else have any luck today?
  14. So far I have restored 4 aluminum boats. My first rebuild was a boat that was a sixteen foot boat like the ones used in the Bay of pigs fiasco. The rest all Starcraft, a Holiday and 2 Islanders. I may be able to help you out dependent on what you need done.
  15. Yesterday
  16. I am interested if these are available
  17. I am looking for referral in the Rochester to Canandaigua area of someone that restores/rebuilds aluminum boats. Thank you.
  18. Rounded over threaded stud came out of tang and mashed all the threads. Now my boat has rod knock.... Not very happy
  19. The Suttons are good spoons and I have used them for over 50 years and my grandfather used them just after they came out around 1900. I have hundreds of them in various sizes and weights and finishes. A problem with them is that there have been plating problems with them for the past few years and the finish on them doesn't hold up like the older versions. That is why I suggested you try the Elmer Hinckleys gold and silver finishes as they are superb.
  20. Forgot to mention the boat has hydraulic steering
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