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  1. Past hour
  3. I have 3 40”x16” cutting boards up for sale. They are made with 3/4” king star board, stainless screws and 5200 to glue and seal them. They do not come with boat mounts. If you want mounts, you can get them to me and I will install them. $180.00 and local pick up in Hilton NY.
  4. Today
  5. Cool, I have a few Gambler rigs but haven’t tried them on Oneida yet.
  6. Mexico ny. Please send a pic. 5708145165
  7. Just got Reel Tuna Trouble carbon drags for Magda. Will let you know.
  8. mini militia mod
    Arch for me ...

    Steam runs sweet. You build it the way you want. Added, Proton GE, custom kernel, and the yay gaming pack. Downloads everything a Steam/Lutris/WINE gamer needs out the box.

    I've tested 100s of Distros over the span of 15 years, I've been a Linux user. I like to Distro hop now n then on my various systems, having a potter around.

    And this setup, I'm super happy with.

    I stayed away from Arch for so many years, but it's not as painful as some say.

    If this isn't the path for you, try Linux Mint, or Manjaro... or similar.

    A really good site to visit is 'Chris Titus', on page 9 of his website is how to set up Linux Gaming for you... Covers Deb/Arch/Fedora based systems.

  9. Nice wood Rod and Reel storage rack. Natural finish, with wheels. Asking $50, $125 new.
  10. https://minimilitiamodapk.org/hack version of invisible mod mini militia
  11. I got some nice 3/4 Marine grade Miranti Mahogany to build the transom and also for my bench seat covers. It smells amazing and looks great. Got my transom blanks cut out and ready to laminate together, then I'll jig saw the rounded cutout for the outboard area.
  12. Unfortunately it was 14 days to get to my address. I found a place 30 mins away that sells west system epoxy for adhering and system 3 penetrating epoxy for sealer.. so I just went with that.
  13. My Fish Hawk sold with my boat a week or so ago so quickly rigging a different boat to keep fishing. Bought a FH TD Just wondered if anybody uses one and any tips on it Best way just to find temp, on rigger or drop on rod etc Seems simple, just want to find the cold water depth with it
  14. If you like plated spoons try the Elmer Hinckleys https://elmerhinckley.com/the-spoon-drawer/ Exquisite plating on them.
  15. Dipsys rods, okuma lead core, copper set up sold.
  16. Yesterday
  17. Where are you located? I have 2 I'm in Rochester
  18. I bought them from Dreamweaver. They work great!!!
  19. Anybody remember the old down-and-out technique and where if any place to buy the attachments are?
  20. WTB. shark wieght holders.
  21. I started using Sutton spoons in 1963.The sutton 31 worked the best, didn't matter if hammered finish ot not. The trick was trolling fast enough so occasionally the spoon would flip. Last weekend I visited the Sutton Spoon company in Naples, a walk into the twilight zone. When Silver finish on the spoon goes deep it turns white, and chrome turns black. When near the top it has great reflection. Best spoon for Browns is the Sutton West River. Great fun going to the Naples store. The two women that run it are great, lots of time to reminisce. The only other spoons silver plated that really catch Lakers are Michigan Stingers, but a very different action.
  22. One revolution on a full spool and one on an empty are different by a lot . The number that reads on the counter is a reference . Not an accurate measurement . It's a relative number . Some of you guys concern yourselves with minor things that don't mean a whole lot and detract from actually fishing .
  23. I had a Cabalas freeze up on my son while we had a big king on a braid dipsey . The reel locked up solid with 400 ft of line out. Couldn't reel it in . I hand lined a wrapped the line around a rod holder , took 15 min to land the fish I took the reel apart and cleaned out the hardened grease and lubed it and it works fine now . It prompted me to clean a lot of my reels . I bought an Ardent reel lube kit from Runnings and did I think 45 reels last winter . It made a big difference and wasn't hard . That's might be all it needs . I have one Magda same as yours for a braid dipsey . Landed and awful lot of kings on it . I like it . You don't need the best of everything to catch these fish. There are some mid grade reels that are fine.
  24. If you want walleyes your best bet is Henderson Harbor, Black River Bay area. I caught 2 in the entirety of last year in Mexico, one in the spring fishing browns and one in the fall fishing for staging kings.
  25. I use to catch them in May at night at Oswego in along with browns. Haven’t tried it there in a while. Trolled in 6-20 fow with jointed rebels on long lines or casting them.
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