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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. That will be tomorrow. I will be on his boat in the AM. Get your cowbells ready!
  2. Try the French River Lodge. It is West of Nipissing on the French River. I have stayed there for years. They rent out 16' Lunds w/ 25 Mercs. If you do go up there at the time you are talking, hit Crombie Bay. many 58 - 60" muskies are taken in this area each fall. Last time I was up there, a guy braught in a 59" musky. The thing was huge. The northerns and walleyes are all over the place up there. September is the best time to find slob walleyes up there. Good luck.
  3. I had one do that the other day. That does wonders for your leader and wire on you cowbells and peanut!
  4. PLEASURE UNIT, pick up the June/July issue of In-Fisherman. There is a good article on Upwelling in the Great Lakes titled the stability zone. It gives you a good idea of what you should do when the lake upwells.
  5. Seagar 50 Lb. It is super tough and reliable. It is a little price but worth every penny.
  6. Hijinks, Head to 95 FOW from the Creek to the nose. Troll VERY slow (.07 - 1.7). 1.3 seems to be the best speed. I run 2 cowbell and peanut rigs 1' off the bottom. If you do not have speed and temp, you can guage your speed by cable angle. I like an angle a little less than 45 degrees. I highly reccomned not horsing the lakers to the boat and using a rubber net. I found the rubber net gets them back in the water a lot quicker. They always tend to twist up in the other style nets. If the laker is full of air, you will need to burb them to get the air out. This needs to be done gently so the laker is not hurt in the process. I also keep 2 riggers high in the water column for kings, steelies and browns. The other day I caught 1 brown and had 2 other knock offs on these rods while trolling lakers. Good luck and let me know how you make out.
  7. I use the Owner 2x and 3x hooks. They are razor sharp and never bend!
  8. They all look the same! I did notice a lot of lamprey marks on those Atlantics. It goes to show we are not the only ones with a big lamprey problem.
  9. Jay lost an impellor on the ride in. He still made it in under 1 engine.
  10. I mist them with the washdown pump until the king is breathing fast and flipping all over. Make sure the water is cool (my engine warms up the water in the line and make kings go in the cooler). Dump them in head first and they will go.
  11. You will need to run off shore most of the time to find fish (200' +). I was going to run offshore today but decided to stay inside to avoid getting snuck up on by a thunderstorm. We decided to fish lakers. The inside waters were dead! We were 0 for 2 for kings. Another suggestion is to look shallow for browns (today off of Sandy they were loaded in 40 - 55 F.O.W.).
  12. Tom, Nice talking to you out there today. I stopped a the launch to make sure you made it back in during the storm. I did not see you so I called Jax and he said you were already on the way home. We ended up boating and releasing 28 lakers and kept a bleeder brown about 8-9 lbs.
  13. I do keep some mature salmon for the neighbors and in the late summer for egg skein. I try to let most steelhead, lakers and browns go. If they come back to the dock in the cooler, it is because they did not swim, a derby fish or a wall hanger. The steelhead, browns and lakers are stock in smaller numbers and are not going to die after they spawn. With the stocking problems with lakers, I hope most charter captains and rec. fishermen are using their heads when it comes to these fish.
  14. I have paid a couple of truck payments for Gregg. I have 6 fish and 1 duck done by him and yes one is a 24lb. 11.oz laker.
  15. Hasky, If you are looking for land, the Sandy Creek (Hamlin, Hilton, Kendall) area is nice. Lots of land near great fishing. The Oak is nice but we have more of a variety of fishing. You can hit up the Greece ponds for panfish, pike, bass and walleye, or Braddocks for pike and bass, or head out on Lake Ontario for trout and Salmon. I can go out of Sandy and catch kings, coho's, browns, steelhead and Lakers all in the same areas. Most ports it is hard to find consistant catches of all species in such a tight area. I used to keep my boat in Irondequoit Bay. Most of the time, I could find browns in 50 - 80, lakers in 135 - 180 and the kings, steelhead and cohos would be out in 500' of water.
  16. I wish I would have known it was him. I would have stopped by and talked at the dock. If this salmon stuff is too hard for him, I could teach him how to catch lakers!!! :shock:
  17. I think that unit has to be in the water to work. I'm not 100% sure. Try a new 9 volt.
  18. We need some of those in Lake O! That would be fun.
  19. I run a Uglystick 10' dispy rod on the outside and a Gander Mountain Guide Series 9'6" on the inside (2 off of one side) The Ugly stick is a broom stick but the Guide Series rod is awesome. I purchased them this march and they are only $19.99 each. You can't beat that price. All they need is a twillie tip.
  20. Diawa Heartland 8'6". They are around $30 each. If you run them off of regular plainer boards, they are great. If you run inlines, they are a little light. I have been running Diawa rods for many years and they have been flawless. As a side note, my father used to use the Eagleclaws and threw them all away because he had problems with them breaking.
  21. I use a rubber band to keep my cheaters fixed. Leave them out in the sun for a while so they break easy. I highly recommend fixed cheaters over sliders. You know where your fixed cheater is when you catch a fish and you can duplicate it every time. Sliders will change depth with speed change and the amount of tension on the rod.
  22. btfc1752, I would recommend fishing kings first. Then around 11 am when the king bite slows, switch over to lakers. Don't listen to Yankee Troller, He is just mad because he can't get lakers to bite! :shock:
  23. You know what I mean. When the fishing is slow, some guys get on the radio and chit-chat or tell jokes.
  24. Tom, I keep it on 72 unless the fishing is slow and everyone is running their mouths on the radio. Mikejonestkd, Sorry, I will not be out tomorrow. I have to work. I will probally be out on Wed., Thurs., or Friday. If you guys are out on any of those days, give me a shout on the radio. My boat name is escape.
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