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Everything posted by Hop

  1. Well put Bullet , and unfortunately probably accurate.
  2. You gained a fine son-in-law as well. A lot to be proud of old timer.
  3. Looking for a permanent swim raft to buy. 8 by 8 or thereabouts. 3one5-six5one-18eightseven.Thanks. Sent from my SM-F711U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. I'll check in my barn, used to have one. If I can find it you can have it. I'm in the Ovid area.
  5. Wwwwwhat a second. Is that Cayuga Lake???
  6. Thanks for the update. An accident waiting to happen. Sent from my SM-F711U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Was on the east side of the barge this afternoon and came upon two good sized buoys a couple hundred yards apart. Anyone know anything about them? If they are out there after dark I hope they are illuminated. Sent from my SM-F711U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Frogger and crew congratulations on a well planned and executed derby. Well deserved.
  9. Gambler I would like to buy your outriggers but will be in Connecticut this weekend. Can I send you a check and figure out pickup later?
  10. Post office tells me you will get them Monday.
  11. I can send you 10 primers no charge. Would like to get postage back. Two or three years ago I sent a fellow on here an almost new left hand level wind reel no charge. Still waiting for the postage lol.
  12. Hop

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Congratulations to the young lady. A deer that will be remembered for a long time. And for the fellow with the beauty of a buck, there is no doubt someone was looking over your shoulder when the moment occurred. Cherish it.
  13. Hop


    Congrats young man. Great first deer. Many to come I'm sure. Be sure to thank your mentor. Be a safe hunter.
  14. Thank you big foot. Is there a place to donate to the trolling association for the help towards the lamprey barrier fund. Thanks. Hop.
  15. Hop

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Beauty. Congrats. Back in that poison ivy I see.
  16. Hop

    Sold / Closed Proline 230 WA $6,500

    Hi, attempted to call you but number failed. Pm number please.
  17. Hop

    Sold / Closed Proline 230 WA $6,500

    Ah man don't demt an old man.
  18. Man you are just not catching the right person. Very fair price for superior quality dekes. If I was 40 years younger. Best of luck.
  19. Has anyone heard if the treatments were considered successful this year?
  20. Yeah Waler big difference as far as I'm concerned. I know many disagree with me but I'm in total disagreement with the hour change. I am surrounded by wonderful Amish neighbors who hunt. unfortunately, I have witnessed some of the younger kids do some very unsafe things. Yes, I've spoken with their dads. I will just conclude with saying that during gun i will be blowing my whistle until I am in my stand.
  21. But for the grace of God, a keen eye, good heart and strong arms that woman will sleep well tonight.
  22. No laughing from this corner my friend. Many vics still in use on the fingers catching lakers. Back in the day my Dad and his sidekick Pete Rogers couldn't afford one so used a box with lead core and 5 spoons and rowed off Willard. Mainly Suttons cause they were the lightest at the time. Dad saw a 28 pounder come in to Willard one evening. Course this was before the damn lampreys were introduced. Good memories.
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