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Fly Storage

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Here's how I am now storing my un-rigged flies. Thought I'd share...sorry for the crappy pic quality. My phone takes lousy pics with the lighting in my kitchen.

I am using standard empty binders you can purchase at Staples, etc for a couple bucks.

I fill the binders with 4X6 transparent photo pages (also from staples)

I put my flies in 3x5 ziplock bags...they are cheap!

http://www.bagguy.com/index.php?main_pa ... 8cdb15c3f4

I use different binders for different fly brands and label them so I know what they are. Big Weenie flies are easy cause they already come in a 3x5 labeled bag. So do strong flys, but for Howie, Siggs and A-tom-mic ya gotta bag & label.

Throw a rubber band around it for storage.

I find this has really saved me space and makes finding a fly and keeping inventory a snap!







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You don't need em Kdawg...just a few dozen good ones :) My problem is if I want a fly, I get a 4 pack cause I get them un-rigged, so it's either 1 or 4, right? I hate only having one of something so 75 flies turned into 300 real fast :D With this economy I kinda wish I had some of that money back in my pocket instead of flies in a binder :D I have a similar problem with flashers and spoons :$

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  • 2 weeks later...


Nice idea, but I think your going to flatten those flies out. I had some from Tom in small Zip-Locks that ended up flattening. I like to keep mine stored the opposite of how they are run, so they are nice and puffy when i take them out. I think fly bodies are the hardest thing to keep organized and to store. I applaud your idea, but just tossing out what I can see happening. Tom likes to send bodies in rolled up post it notes and that seems to work nicely. You can toss them into a 3700 plano. The only issue there is you can max out each box at 12 colors. That means it would be easy to have 3-5 of these loose 3700 planos floating around. I'd be interested in seeing how your way works out for you. keep us posted.

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You don't need em Kdawg...just a few dozen good ones :) My problem is if I want a fly, I get a 4 pack cause I get them un-rigged, so it's either 1 or 4, right? I hate only having one of something so 75 flies turned into 300 real fast :D With this economy I kinda wish I had some of that money back in my pocket instead of flies in a binder :D I have a similar problem with flashers and spoons :$

We all have this problem in one way or another! I feel your pain Rod! See you in May.

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Nice idea, but I think your going to flatten those flies out. I had some from Tom in small Zip-Locks that ended up flattening. I like to keep mine stored the opposite of how they are run, so they are nice and puffy when i take them out. I think fly bodies are the hardest thing to keep organized and to store. I applaud your idea, but just tossing out what I can see happening. Tom likes to send bodies in rolled up post it notes and that seems to work nicely.

That's something to keep an eye on Rick and I'll report back later in the season. I just checked and so far (two months in) I don't see it happening. Flies are easy enough to reshape anyway.

I won't be out west with my boat till the week before the Niagara Pro Am ;( I'm gonna fish the St. Catherines Scotty with Free Spirit and maybe the Wilson also....not sure on that one yet? I'm re-powing the Port side of my boat with a new engine and drive. I did the starboard side two years ago, so it will be great to have both sides done but It's killing me knowing I'll miss the first month at the bar!!

I look forward to seeing you guys when I get out there....hope your dad is doing good :yes:

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I would like to see those binders in person Rod. As you will see, I have a "Fly Nightmare" on my boat---also a Spin Doctor Nightmare, a Spoon Nightmare, etc, etc. It looks like a great idea that I would love to implement. Can you send me a better pic of exactly what you're doing?

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I'm not sure how many people do this but I keep my flashers paired up w/ the flies that seem to work well with them, I just wind the fly leader around the flasher. Some of my real favorite flashers I have paired up w/ 2 or more different flies. On my boat I'm generally fishing w/ kids or friends who don't know (and don't want to know) what the heck is going on w/ the lines so my line setting time is at a real premium. Consequently I like to look at combos ready to go. My flashers are organized by color but like w/ spoons and stix I keep a "go to" box w/ my standards in it. Also like spoons & stix I keep a "not happening" box for stuff that comes off the lines (between trips I like to get the stuff from the "not happening boxes back to their respective homes)

I started out storing my 8" flasher/fly combos in the fancy Dream Weaver Plano plastic box but they were so expensive I switched to the same size Plano box as it comes from W-Mart #3970($6.00). I keep my big paddles and 10" Spinnies (all paired up w/ flies) in W-Mart tupperware like boxes, I just make two stacks of flashers in the box and separate them w/ a halved section of swim noodle and they stay very neatly in those.

I keep my unrigged flies in a pair of the compartmentalized Plano boxes that are probably most often used for crank baits,etc.

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I also use the tubes for rigged fly's, I use the flasher file for spin docs and other 8 inch flashers and for spoons I use special mate boxes. dodgers I keep in one of those fold up things that cabelas has, flasher folders or something. All nice and neat and tidy. I

Amish outfitter Frank Kittrick (who sells trolling bags, big boards etc) sells these neat little things I made my own and they works sweet for cleaning up and re-using rigged fly's and storing leaders to re-use later in the day etc.


All sorts of stuff made for boats and fisherman to keep things tidy.

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You want me to throw them in the car when I head to St. Catherines to fish the Kotl? If you're looking to do something before that I can take some better pics in the shop for you....let me know.

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