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  1. Past hour
  2. Starting to come around Zach. water was looking decent inside. go get um and good luck! 🇺🇲
  3. My okuma Magda pro 30 has zero resistance for drag. The reel is about 10 years old. Is the fix likely just changing the drag washers? Or other fix needed? Hopefully I provided enough info to describe problem.
  4. Today
  5. We had similar action, also fishing the east side in the north end to about mid-lake. Had one missed small fish on flasher fly but everything else came on spoons and stickbaits off planer boards.
  6. Oswego is good right now - Fished 3 hours for BTs Saturday evening and did about 15 bites landing most including a pair of big BTs (Had an 11 pound fish that was the biggest of the season so far followed by a 14 pound fish a half hour later) Sunday morning we fished Kings - 150-370 fow just east of port. Screen was best 150-220 but there was a temp break in 280 holding a bunch of fish. Most people turned around to fish the better looking screen and as a result we were out all alone for the most part in slightly deeper water. Left the dock at 5:30 am and by 8:30 am had over 20 quality bites. Fished until 9:30 am adding a few more but it started to slow and I needed to get to the fuel dock. All fish both days towed on a boga and released except for one casualty on Sunday. Caught 2 skippies sunday, 2 steelhead and the rest 12-18 pound kings. I didn't have any attractors on board yet so fished a spoon program for the kings. 7 hours of fishing across 2 days for about 35 bites - some decent fish in the mix.
  7. Thanks for the info- you did great. We struggled
  8. Canandaigua has consistently produced the biggest derby winning fish (lakers, browns, rainbows) of all of the finger lakes for quite a few years now. I love this lake! I didn't find any monsters this time around, but had a great time trying... through the weekend landed 26 lakers to 8.5 lbs and 5 rainbows to 4.5 lbs. Congrats to all who placed!
  9. Launched out of Wilson around 7. Found a nice inside bite 150-250 FOW. Lots of bait and the steelies were aggressive. Also managed 2 kings. All on dipsies, out 130-150. Spoon bite, Purple and black early then the Fat Nancy produced for the rest of the day. Boxed out at 2pm. Great trip.
  10. Hahah - sorry I missed that part in the original post
  11. I'm glad it worked out for you - I too and happy with the performance of the Solas in my application.
  12. Is there a fee for listing a boat for sale? I listed one and at the end there was a 89.00 charge! That’s fine just wanna make sure it isn’t a scam, thanks happy fishing
  13. Thanks for the reports guys. This is my 2nd season fishing Ontario so plenty to learn still, so I personally appreciate the willingness of others to share intel. Lets keep it up - hoping to get out tomorrow evening for a few hours since the weather for the rest of the week into the weekend isn't looking amazing right now.
  14. First line set right around 12:00, turn around to look at the fish hawk to check speed, turn back and the rod is already bouncing. We stayed out for an hour and 40 minutes. No stop action, with all the kids reeling in multiple fish. The usual, 100 to 120 was littered. Beautiful day out there!
  15. Ski-dooz I know, it does seem strange. They are very fine table fare when taken from cold water and like bass and bluegills/sunfish they are very vulnerable when spawning.
  16. Some big healthy fish there. Thanks for posting the results. Canandaigua Derbies have posted some beauties the past few years
  17. Well done!! Despite the frustration you didn't get skunked and had a morning full of entertainment!!
  18. I heard that a few year ago and thought that’s odd why would fish a tournament for Rockies?
  19. Oswego,,Went 3 for 6 for kings with a bunch of shakers throwbacks on Sunday morning. Fished 160-280 depth, green ladder back spoons worked best. If you put some time in you will catch a few. We found some marks east of port and kept trolling back and forth over them until we got some hits,,,was the only technique we could figure to catch some fish.
  20. Yesterday
  21. Nice job Jomat. Thanks for sharing.
  22. 7 for 8 today, lines in at 5:30 and last fish on at 10 (fish lost at 10:35 [30 feet from the boat]). Started putting lines in at 100' in the chop with an inexperienced buddy of mine again. It took a while but I got two rigger lines, two dipsies, and two lead core in (all while trying to maintain speed, find temp, and watch the marks on the fish finder). Saw some good marks low in 125' to 150' and picked up a dink (left fish and kept going...idiot move [never leave fish]). Slid out to 200 feet. Found the temp I wanted but no marks, so I did a 180 and we got a 17 inch Coho on a NBK down 45'. A couple of minutes later we got a smaller Coho on a Dirty White Boy/ Glow cup down 55' (returned without leaving the water). A while later, another Coho down 70' on a Silver Carbon 14 mag (returned that one without leaving the water too). A bit later, we start heading East, my 8 color, with a Black Wiggle pattern spoon on, starts going out (I hear it clicking from the bow of the boat as my buddy is "watching" the lines). I get the inline planner off and let him land a nice 20" Salmon. Then two more smaller Coho inside 150 fow on an East heading (NBK and one on flasher fly) both returned. I start tidying up down below and all heck starts... My buddy gets out of his seat and grabs a rod, "we got a fish", and the drag starts going, silver/green dot uv mag (he he he, his first big one). His fish takes an easy 100' as I swing the downrigger out and bring up the ball to get it out of the way. Then I move the dipsy line and bring in the 5 color (of course his fish had gone over and under the 5 color). Got that untangled. Next, I take his rod and show him how to "work the fish in" and give it back to him. He has had 12 knee surgeries so getting a stable base is a challenge. The other rigger TAKES A SHOT (silver carbon 14 mag again)! And line starts rippin! I'm just holding the rod, watching it dance way back behind the boat...ugh...my buddy's fish is more important at this point. In a rod holder my rod goes. We get my buddy's fish in the net; 35 inches and over 15 pounds. I just drop it on the deck and focus on the next fish; it has taken out more than 350' at this point. I notice the line is around the dipsy on the other side of the boat, so I do the dosey doe with my buddy (and the salmon on the deck) and untangle it. I have my buddy pull in the 8 color...my fish had gone around that too. We get that undone and in (without the lure; leader broke off at some point). The fish is still out 300' and I am not gaining. We start circling. Finally, when I get it into 200' out, I see it is WRAPPED and dead. Hard to bring in sideways. At this point, I should have just turned and gone toward it (lack of thought in the heat of the moment); fighting the wind, and waves. Got it to within 30' of the boat and the hook came out (I should have jumped in...nah!). I knew I only had a few seconds to turn the boat and get it but my buddy did not know how to turn the boat's autopilot off so asked him to watch the fish as I turned; he turned his head for second to grab the net and he lost the point of the fish. Easily more than 36", it was over 20 pounds... Fishing not catching... Inside 150 was best today and the last two we got wanted it fast (we were 2.8 to 2.9 at the ball).
  23. Ok! A positive fishing report w big kings. I needed that. Thanks for sharing.
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