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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. A lot of different ways to go with this but most of us use 1000 ft of 7 strand wire, some use 1000 ft of 19 strand. Basically the 7 strand isn't as kink resistant and may develop curly ques more easily than 19 strand stainless wire but the 19 strand has finer filament wires composing it that can break without noticing them and it is "springyier". It is also easier on the guides and tips of the rods. If mono backing is used it is usually to protect the spool and keep the wire from nesting unevenly on the spool and a short length of 40 lb or so used (e..g. 50 ft or so). One problem with pre-spooled wire is you don't know who put it on (and whether competently or not). The wire should be put on under even tension and started at the center of the spool and spread evenly across the spool. It is also helpful after it is loaded on the reel to attach a weight or diver without anything else on it while in the boat and running out about half to three quarters of the wire under tension (carefully and slowly). This will allow the wire to be evenly nested on the spool under the right tension and can save you headaches later on. I believe the 30 size reel will hold the 1,000 ft of wire. The Okuma GLT rods should be OK for the riggers and could be used for wire but they have soft tip action and are not really the best choice for wire rods. Stiffer rods seem to better serve that purpose from 6 1/2 to 9 ft or so (twilli tip or roller tip can be used). Often if multiple wire rods are used the shorter ones are used on the inside the longer on the outside. The Okuma 20's or 30's should work OK for the riggers and many folks use either 30 to 40 lb Berkely Big Game mono or Bloodrun SeaFlee in 30 lb test for their main line with fluoro leaders or 20 lb or so for Lake O (can be lighter in the Spring for browns). Just suggestions as there are many ways of going about this with good results and depending on your wallet P.S. ANY wire used should always be kept under tension to avoid problems.
  2. Sk8man

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    WTG Joe persistence pays off once again!
  3. A pic of your transom might help with suggestions
  4. What really hurts is the scum that take 65 of them for eggs from the stream that were recently caught good they were caught but the damage was done.
  5. The adults only live for about a couple years so the best way is to kill off the ammocoetes before they develop into juveniles far more effective than going after the spawning adults but there is a "lag" period before seeing the results
  6. Rick is right. He treated me very well in the past. These days there are many things going on so hard to figure. Justin might want to try Fish307 I believe they do warranty work too.
  7. Sk8man


    Forums are a place for the discussion of ideas and opinions and it is expected that they may differ or diverge from a central idea or concern but a necessary underlying rule or expectation is that respect is shown for each person separate from agreement or disagreement with their particular position regarding an issue or idea. Respect for each other appears to be on the decline and resorting to name calling sure doesn't help clarify any issues or ideas or add to an intelligent conversation.
  8. The main problem is potential flooding and the possibility of some limited use of minor streams on both sides of the lake when water levels are unusually high for sustained periods (not frequent but possible). Most of them either dry up or have small amounts of poorly oxygenated water with high temps which discourages fish development as well as providing an unsuitable environment for nearly anything. Recently they found little to no activity in the smaller streams and it is mainly Catherines and Keuka Outlet at Dresden where most breeding occurs and the deltas out into the lake at both sites. The Seneca River is somewhat of an unknown in terms of the travel patterns of both fish and invasives as far as how much occurs and whether they actually make it to either Cayuga or Seneca lakes. I know for a fact that browns use the canal bt whether they make it to Cayuga lake I do not know. The major lamprey breeding grounds are the two streams on Seneca mentioned.
  9. https://www.syracuse.com/state/2021/10/supreme-court-to-hear-case-on-new-york-gun-permit-law.html
  10. Prior to the rain the treatments looked good from what I was told by someone close to the process.. They monitored afterward by a grid pattern assessment and found a lot of dead ammocoetes with the eye structure present meaning they were getting ready to leave the stream and the bottom structure throughout was apparently blanketed very well by the treatment process so hopefully things will improve with time. The DEC is trying only so much can be done with Mother Nature calling the shots
  11. Sk8man


    I know this is a fishing forum but it is also a place to discuss matters of importance to us all. The unfortunate thing is that the political stuff is merely a tempting distraction from the true problems facing us as nation. Along with the things happening relating to climate change that we need to deal with concretely is the looming potential disaster being created by the Chinese communist government. The Chinese have already have eaten our lunch and everyone is in Lalaland not paying attention to it. They have stolen much of our technology military and otherwise, created their own versions of it to out-compete us and as part of the requirement of doing business in their country we have turned over much sophisticated technology to them. They have for years been scarfing up precious metals including gold and rare earth metals from many parts of the world (e.g. Africa, South America etc.) and have as one of their ultimate goals control of the Earth's total resources to support their population and agenda. Thye intend to replace the dollar as the base currency. They are courting Afghanistan now with promises of building infrastructure fully knowing that they will have no way to repay them other than turn over the extensive deposits underneath their land as they are already doing in Africa.. They are currently exploring space with the intent to dominate the Earth and harvest rare metals in space contained by the asteroids and potentially other planets. They fully intend to be number one on the planet both economically, and in all other aspects and are on the path to achieve it if not already there. We are asleep at the switch and have been helping them for some time by letting them capitalize on the greed of our capitalistic system where companies are willing to manufacture as cheaply as possible using their cheap labor force and turn over whatever information they have to the Chinese to achieve their bottom line for stock holders. The Chinese Communist government is hacking us via the Internet stealing all sorts of information (along with the Russians, Iranians, and North Koreans) and have 24/7 dedicated military unit hackers probing and entering our banks, infrastructure companies, and institutions including nearly every facet of our government. Our government is dysfunctional and self serving no matter who is in power and is no longer serving the people. Until we get our hheads out of our asses we are going to be totally screwed and the current Taiwan situation may be the catalyst that brings things to a head. Keep in mind that China has over 1.3 BILLION people and a conventional war with them would be suicide as they could lose the entire amount of our entire population of 330 million and it would have little impact on them and may actually be of benefit in the long range to their government. They recently launched a nuclear capable hypersonic missle system that went around the world and are way ahead of us militarily in some aspects thanks to us and perhaps in space explorations as well. Sorry for the rant but these things have been on my mind for some time and worries about these other matters seem "miniscule" in comparison to the actual dangers facing us right now.
  12. Sk8man


    Sure isn't the country I grew up in or served my 4 years for.
  13. It looks like a weather balloon to the government
  14. To add to Nick's comment. This is not the first time Seneca has been in the current situation. It happened in the mid to late seventies as well and it turned around after treatments were conducted but yes there is a "lag" time until the fishing improves greatly.
  15. Great advice above. Nick mentioned the small sawbellies. The jumbos love the sawbellies about 2 inches long and if you are lucky enough to find a big school of them locate off to the edge and cast back into them with the biggest fathead minnows you have. plastic imitation minnows can work too but not as well as the live ones.sometimes they want the bait moving (as in drifting) and sometimes they prefer it still (anchored....they can be fussy The big girls may not be in real close yet with the higher water temps recently. Have to really look around at different depths and don't be afraid to look deeper than you might think
  16. I don't now about "the best around" but Screwey Lewies in Fairhaven used to fix them and then there is Fish307 in Lake George.
  17. The handicapped access dock stays in
  18. X2 He does great work and is reasonable.
  19. This is the spot where your "advice" went south. This website is a virtual goldmine of information that has been freely shared for many years by very generous people. For much of the 70 plus years I have fished the "old timers" closely guarded their "secrets" in terms of techniques, lures, and fishing spots and would seldom reveal ANYTHING to novices or fishermen that weren't part of the Good Old Boys network. This website has overcome those obstacles to learning for thousands of people. If you think information on here is being withheld I would suggest that it is for good reason. There is a vast difference between fishing the small streams of New York and trolling the larger lakes including Lake O. where fishing pressures and illegal activity may be serious but perhaps not to the extent that it can tank the fishery entirely. To a degree this also applies to particular vulnerable species as well such as perch and crappies because of their particular schooling habits and increased vulnerability. People responding to these "sensitive nature" posts are trying to protect these diminishing resources by not calling focused attention alerting the entire Internet to potentials for exploitation; not purposely withholding "secrets" or only revealing things to a particular group of "in' individuals. Not everyone in our society or on the Internet is conservation minded. Many times when sensitive issues are encountered here the way to respond is through a personal message offering information to be shared with a person but not publicly announced so that the information can be exploited. Just something to think about....
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