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Everything posted by rolmops

  1. I am thinking about adding an autopilot to my Starcraft Islander 221. Mostly for trolling so probably for the 9.9 Suzuki kicker. I currently have a Panther Trollmaster tr5 system , but the actuator does not really allow for fine tuning direction and I do not want to constantly fiddle around to correct course. Besides, the steering actuator shorted out yet again. So its time to take the next step. I have a Garmin Echomap 640 with GPS system on board and can possibly use that. What autopilot would be the right choice for mostly trolling so I don't have to be at the wheel when I should be fighting fish. Thank you
  2. ttt
  3. The 20 or 25 years are the first possibility to retire and get healthcare paid for by the state not all of it, but somewhere around 80%. That really is the important thing. Because it provides healthcare for families. Many officers will stay in service until their kids are out of college because then the kids have healthcare until the age of 23. For those who want to start out in a new career this is a very good benefit, because healthcare is taken care of. I wonder what would happen if the ECOs would somehow manage to become part of the policeman's trade union. That would probably drastically change the picture.
  4. As far as inflation adjustment is concerned, not so good. During the first five or maybe six years of retirement there is no inflation adjustment. Afterwards, there is yearly adjustment of maximum 3% per year.
  5. I have a 1989 Starcraft Islander 221 with a 4.3 liter cobra ,powersteering. and a 9.9 Suzuki extra longshaft kicker. I am thinking about adding an automatic pilot system because I mostly fish solo. I would mostly need it for trolling. What would be a good autopilot for this setup? Thank you.
  6. I am restoring my Starcraft Islander and I am almost done. I also want to install the Penn Electric downriggers that were on there originally. I have 4 good working 800s. What I need are two sets of power cables. 2 from rigger to boat and the 2 female ones that go to the power source. If you have any of those and are willing to part with them. Let me know. Thank you.
  7. I am restoring my Starcraft Islander and I am almost done. I also want to install the Penn Electric downriggers that were on there originally. I have 4 good working 800s. What I need are two sets of power cables. 2 from rigger to boat and the 2 female ones that go to the power source. If you have any of those and are willing to part with them. Let me know. Thank you.
  8. Is this a continuation of the disagreements about giving equal pay and benefits to different groups within the environmental law enforcement and park rangers that was happening a few years ago?
  9. I just hope that this will not turn into another political poison post
  10. For the price that they charge and the peace of mind that it gives you, it's a no brainer. I usually trailer my boat so I added the trailer towing as well. Take a look at all the different packages that they offer and compare the prices to having to have your boat towed even only once. You can probably buy 5 years of towing insurance for the price of one uninsured towing event. I am a firm believer in Murphy's Law and it is my belief that the only reason why I never broke down on the water is because I bought the insurance.
  11. Spiderwebs do not make a hot engine. The peehole is just an indicator that you have cooling water going through the system. If at first it does not come out but only after a while and it is real hot, you should check a few more things. If it is an extra long shaft you should not use the muffs period you must put it in a barrel. Did you put the hose on full blast or just a trickle because the water was coming out the sides of the muffs? Did you put the muffs on the right spot or a bit off to the side? (sometimes when you turn on the water the muffs slide away a bit) Did you check if any water came out from the outlet from behind the propeller? And was it hot or cool? My worry is the thermostat. When you just start up the engine , there is no waterflow to the block until the block is hot enough to open the thermostat. Until then there should be cold water coming from the peehole and the through the propeller exhaust outlet. If it only lets the water through when the engine is hot then you have a blockage at or near the thermostat. If it was my engine , I would check both the thermostat and the impeller pump and housing,and make sure that the hose os on full blast even when the water leaks around the muffs. One last thing. Does your engine have a place to attach the hose higher up above the impeller? This is often there and it is to flush the engine innards after having been in salt water. If you do, screw the hose in there and give it full blast. If everything is open, you should water coming out of the peehole. just make sure not to run the engine when you this or you'll ruin the impeller/pump.
  12. In shallow water it usually is a bit tricky with only 3 lines. As the boat goes over the quite close bottom the fish tend to move sideways away from perceived danger of a big dark thing just above them. This makes the straight line behind the boat less succesful, unless it is a long way behind the boat. Trolling in a curve, so that the lines go to the side of the boat instead of right behind does help. I often work with small dipsy divers on a 3 setting to get the lures away to the side of the boat
  13. I think that this is a pontoon. Rules may be different
  14. What you want is undisturbed water flow. The way they sit now there is turbulence of the water coming up from the bottom of the boat. You should try to get them so that the lower surface is just a bit lower than the bottom of the boat. Looking at the picture, the small one has to come down something like an inch whereas the long (chirp) one should go down just a bit, like a quarter inch
  15. The weatherman predicts cloudy skies.
  16. Smooth move? I last saw that for sale in a pharmacy. I guess it will make boaters movements easier.
  17. I need to replace an aluminum tubing frame on my canvas top. Is there any place near Rochester where somebody does this? Failing that, where can I order pre bent tubing? Thank you.
  18. Never worry, Gator, Mark has written about it already
  19. For those who are interested, There will be a full eclipse event in Buckland park off Westfall road in Brighton. there is plenty of free parking and they will bring Food trucks. For those who want to read about catastrophic full eclipses, there is a short story written in 1941 by Isaac Asimov about an eclipse. It is called "Nightfall". It is one of his finest works. Now, what will you do if it the sky is full of clouds?
  20. The biggest problem with eating eel as a delicacy is that the glass eel is served a specialty dish where one portion often contains several hundred of these tiny fish. As usual the Japanese are behind this. They appear to completely disregard the survival of any species that has fins
  21. This weekend the bridge will open for boating,or maybe on Monday. Will the launch also be operational?
  22. looks like somebody mistook it for a lamprey
  23. When I said upstream and headwaters I did not make myself clear enough . Sorry for that. I should have said :The swamps far upstream. For example the top end of Cayuga lake. You should also take in consideration all the man made obstacles on the way there.
  24. As far as "fishable" goes you are right. As for eel traveling not far beyond salt water, you are wrong. When eel enter the rivers and streams as tiny glass eel they will try to go as far upstream as they can. They will travel the St.Laurens but also get up the Hudson, from there to the Mohawk and with the help of the Eerie Canal they make it into the Finger Lakes, but on their inland travels they are too small and not fishable. They love ending up in small streams and head waters where they will stay for several years, sometimes even traveling over dry land to reach their goal. (An eel has no problem surviving outside water for up to 24 hours) Eel will spend time upstream until they feel like reproducing. That urge is not dependent on age as much as physical size. When they travel back to the ocean , they come in different sizes and at that point they usually are large enough to feed on larger bait although they prefer to scavenge. once back in the ocean, they travel to the gulf stream and from there on to south bound currents that take them to the Sargosso Sea In the Caribbean where to breed and die
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