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Everything posted by ifishy

  1. Tracks are wonderfully adaptable they also make 6 inch pieces if you want to leave the gunnel open Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Growing up we used anglers pal for dipseys and never had problems that was back in the days of mono line and no mag divers. Fast forward more years than I care to admit and when I first set up my little boat I was given a couple they would constantly slip when pulling a mag divers on wire I had to create a separate physical barrier to prevent them from turning all the way back and losing the rod eventually I got better dipsey holders Anglers pail are ok for a rigger rod and good for a flat line or board line (not inline) and they are great for rod storage In limited space or bait fishing. For dipseys and kings high end ratcheting are worth every penny I have cannons and Bert's like both slight edge to cannon would buy either depending on current price Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Growing up we used anglers pal for dipseys and never had problems that was back in the days of mono line and no mag divers. Fast forward more years than I care to admit and when I first set up my little boat I was given a couple they would constantly slip when pulling a mag divers on wire I had to create a separate physical barrier to prevent them from turning all the way back and losing the rod eventually I got better dipsey holders Anglers pail are ok for a rigger rod and good for a flat line or board line (not inline) and they are great for rod storage In limited space or bait fishing. For dipseys and kings high end ratcheting are worth every penny I have cannons and Bert's like both slight edge to cannon would buy either depending on current price Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Maybe they want to open the derby up to lake Erie waters and this is a prelude also there are a lot more walleye caught from Rochester west than given credit for if they really want it to work they should tweak the rules the same day weigh in hurts night fishing and no tribs mean rivers are out and walleye opens the door for folks on the st lawerance to get in. They should keep steelys in and just add the walleye to grow the participants and not just change them Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. this time of year a lot of steelhead are in the tribs to eat eggs more than spawn so they will come and go a lot especially in the smaller tribs so while a little hit and miss the near shore lake fishing for bows can be fantastic.
  6. I use a small bead and a pegg the plastic pegs used for trout beads no damage to line and adjustable Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. holy crap that is a monster we saw some big fish jump there sunday but is a beast
  8. So now that salmon is winding down I always have a couple trips at the end of the year where i like to try different things. Last year we made the decision to try our hand and musky fishing. we ended up in the pouring rain on waneta and didnt do anything. This year we decided to Continue that quest. we took the drive to Ostico to try that lake for the first time. It was an interesting late to fish. we ended up getting a late start and launched at about 7:30 we started trolling with a mix of baits to maybe pick up a walleye for dinner. was a nice morning and we saw a lot of big splashes and I saw one tiger surface right in front of us that was at least 40 inches. The thing was massive. Alas we were not able to connect on any we spent some time casting and finished the day trolling we worked all around the lake in a lot of different depths. only some smallmouth to show for it. We have maybe 1 or 2 trips left this year before the boat gets put away. probably will fish either here or Waneta. we ran a mix from c5 sized spoons up to 8 inch plugs i have lots of plugs for Salmon and trout to cycle through but only a couple large baits to work with. if i'm going to do this only a couple times a year can i get away with that or should i invest in more large lures. given how my sholders feel after all that casting i think next time i want to spend time vertical jigging especially if its windy enough for a fast drift. is a swim bait a decent jigging bait? hopeing to someday post a pic and if i get a big enough one i'll be asking about good replica makers.
  9. was out sunday but thanks to a blown tire on the trailer i didnt get out till 10 and only fished 2 hours. never went offshore didnt have time. started at 50 foot put one rod down and didnt even have the lure attached to the second and fish on. 10 lb bow. started re setting and didnt get to the third rod and the first is hit again but just a skipper sized brown this time. got set finally and poked around from 50 to 90 for a bit best screens in 60-75 water was 63 down 30 had three other shots on a 6 color down the shoot but wouldnt stay buttoned. all spoon bites bloody nose frog and a custom taped glow not a bad two hours. special shout out to featherlys for coming out and fixing my tire on the side of the road. turns out not a lot of places answer the phone on a sunday morning.
  10. HB2 that is a very insightful post. no matter how full i am if a potato chip floats in front of my face i probably am gonna eat it. unless of course i'm dodging chunks of lead flying at me from all directions.
  11. gill-t i would argue that spring Coho are better but both are good. were it not for some food allergies in my household i would eat salmon all summer long
  12. Slice and tow on a boga also works great and can be done while resetting can also slice along abdoman and pull out the guts nice clean fish to work with at the fillet table Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. Sk8man always has great answers and a lot of homemade versions gotta respect someone always tweaking and experimenting our hottest spoons this year have been taped up custom jobs personally I like free sliders as it's a good way to cover more water column Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Do they stay in the down position? I bought a used one and it was upside down like that I switched the two wires on the switch and is been fine ever since Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. They make a clamp on portable down riggers I would have one clamped on on each side in front of a seat in a boat with bench seats movement is tough so mount the rigger where the person is it does not have to be at the back Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. It's only goofy till it starts to work Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. Fantastic lots of good shore fishing to be had chased it for 15 years untill I was boat bound again the key was always flexability Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Kast king I am happy so far going on 3 seasons Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Awesome pic true hero shot Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Pick your weather days and you can fish lake o just have a backup plan in mind for any given day. Torpedo 19 strand wire is a lot more fore giving especially for a first wire rod For kings a good smooth drag is worth the buy you can buy high end if it’s in your budget or buy cheaper and upgrade the Drags you can always leader down for the finger lakes so get rods with Kong’s in mind that said my favorite rigger rods are med light Diawas I do have a heavier rod for flasher flies for dipseys a set of Diawa wilderness heavy action will work nicely I use an 8’ 6” model for an inside diver and a 10 foot ugly stick for the outside Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. You should do a cross section from the back showing lures at depth and spread that is always the hardest part to explain one from the side showing line angle would be cool as well. Second note I usually run my inside deep divers with more line out than the high divers trying to work more separation I have only in the last couple years started running two divers a side curious what others do or if it's a personal preference thing I have had minimal diver tangles bit this year it seems every big king comes up goes wide than dives and manages to be around both dipseys thank God for lots of rod holders to move things around Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. Pick your weather days and you can fish lake o just have a backup plan in mind for any given day. Torpedo 19 strand wire is a lot more fore giving especially for a first wire rod For kings a good smooth drag is worth the buy you can buy high end if it’s in your budget or buy cheaper and upgrade the Drags you can always leader down for the finger lakes so get rods with Kong’s in mind that said my favorite rigger rods are med light Diawas I do have a heavier rod for flasher flies for dipseys a set of Diawa wilderness heavy action will work nicely I use an 8’ 6” model for an inside diver and a 10 foot ugly stick for the outside Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. seems like a waste of weights i would rather use an or clip the one with the pin and just take it off. lead is getting more expensive every year and its a bad look to purposely leave it on the bottom of the lake
  24. that is an awesome fish pick shows how violent they have the potential to be
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