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Everything posted by ifishy

  1. was it getting shallower? straight lines and depth countours dont always match. if he was overtaking than he should have made the adjustment but sometimes a little consideration for depth can mean a lot this is especially true in the finger lakes ask anyone who fishes the seneca lake memorial day derby. there sometimes 30 feet east or west can be 100ft difference in depth and you cant always adjust all your lines that quick.
  2. As long as the tracks are well mounted they can take anything the gunnel can take big washers or even better a backing plate underneath Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. If they have good beefy pins they would be fine two screws would be better I've seen tight locs where the washer was completely stripped I have tracks for the side mounts and I test them by holding myself up I am not skinny with salmon quality gear is worth the investment even if it takes years or a lifetime Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. i have the cannon single axis and the berts ratcheting on mine one of each on each side the cannons are my first choice for dipseys by far ant the berts get used only when running 2 a side. I also have some big jons like in the second picture on Ska8mans post not the triple but two on what is supposed to be a down rigger plate on the center of my transom I use them for chute rods or a net holder or a down rigger rod or just another place to put a rod when you need to move something in a hurry. The cannon single axis are by far and away the best think i have ever seen for a dipsey the one hand thing in either direction is genius also no worry's about caps coming off and rock solid in the tracks. berts work just fine and one handed up is good for big hits but i find they sometimes get a little sticky in the ratchet mechanism wd-40 fixes it but has never happened with the cannons. the big johns are solid enough but are a two handed adjustment also the single bolt in the middle means they are prone to turning. no big deal where i have them and how i use them but I would never trust a dipsey off the side in one, though i have put a dipsey there in the center to net a fish on the side of the boat.
  5. I like to use mono instead of braid gives just a little shock absorbtion I do not use a snubber Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. When we went we did best during the change and just before and after however the change was happening right during our planned fishing time so may have been coincidence Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Torpedo 19 strand wire is another option it is more user friendly especially if new to wire you can also use it with your regular rod guides and tip. You can do wire right to the dipsey but if you collapse your poles for storage a 20 foot piece of 50 lb mono at the end of the wire is a good idea. When using wire spool it on under tension and always keep it under tension when setting and retrieving. This is where the mono helps because all of your wire will be on the spool when you break it down. If you go with a 7 strand and a twilli tip I like to put a large bead on above the swivel this way I can reel the line all the way tight for storage and the swivel won't be stuck in the twilli Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. i find if i use the grip to take it out of the net as quick as possible it helps also if you wanna take a pic get the grip on and put the fish in the water for the minuet or two it takes to get the phone out or whatever. lift take your pick than back in the water. like sk8 said if they get out of the net and flop around on the bottom thats bad for a number of reasons. no method is perfect but any release has a better chance than no release. they do make a device that is a grip with a pressure switch you clip on the fish drop it down and when it hits like 40 feet it releases. do a google search for fish descending devices there are a lot of options i think some areas/states for certian saltwater species they are almost mandatory. in fact i may have just talked myself into getting one
  9. i did this same trip several years ago. the wife has family near poughkeepsie so i figured lets go visit and bring the boat. trip was a blast we found a big school of them on the finder and just drifted the area. you nailed the rig egg sinker to a swivel fluro leader and a circle hook. put it down 12 to 20 thats where we were marking them. put the rods out parallel to the water with the bail open but the clicker on and sit back and enjoy the day. when putting on a fresh blood worm dont take off the old pieces leave them on you can never have to much blood worm.. you can also use sand worms if you can find them they are a little cheaper. we tried and failed to catch our own herring but its an option. best of luck it is trip every new york fisherman should try at least once stripers247.com i got a ton of info from there as well as some areas to start looking that year.
  10. At the launch yesterday was ridiculous there was an oil slick from all the dead Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. steel head hitting and 70 down and jumping before you get to the rod can cause some weird tangles nothing like having one jump on the port side parallel to the boat but its around the starboard dipsey and nothing else definite wtf moment
  12. do this I bought a grip not a boga but similar and now i put the fish on the grip and tow it while i start to re-set once the fish starts to kick and swim on its own i release it i have had way better results since many fish take right off now pointed back to colder water. its not perfect but its a lot better than trying to hold as I dont have to touch the gills at all. ones that dont start to swim have a place in the smoker or to my coworkers grills they hate the new grip they get a lot fewer fish now
  13. that last part sums it up nicely sometimes by the time we get re-set up i am exhausted and want a couple mins to sit before the next fish hits
  14. there are some decent videos of it on youtube if i had the budget I would try it
  15. This early in the season later day can be better especially if sunny as the sun warms the stained water faster making for better temp breaks. That said boat traffic has the opposite effect pushing browns deeper and often into clearer water so as the season gets going and more folks get out that becomes a consideration. Still as someone often stuck fishing later any time you can get out is worth it Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Spoons sit vertically when jigged this presents a very small cross section for your sonar and with very few surfaces at an angle to bounce back a sound wave try a jigging rapala or something that provides a flat surface pointed up to test and dial in your finder. As far as mirroring you can get a tablet on eBay for 50 bucks which is way less than second unit I do this on my boat which has a raymarine dragonfly pro when perch fishing I can pick up my baits (fatheads) in 30 fow haven't done any deeper still fishing I mostly troll Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. do a youtube search on garmin panoptix. the price is up there but it looks like it could be a real game changer.
  18. i spool my light rigger reels with 15lb I keep them stored out of the sun but check the line regularly and change if any signs of deterioration. during flea season I splice in 120ft of so of fresh 30lb someone on this site once mentioned a theory that fresh line is smooth and sheds fleas better older line has microscopic nics and burs and the coating is more roughed up so it tends to give fleas more chance to catch and build up. My experience seems to support this theory so i go with it. i like lighter line when i can get away with it easier to work with so i take the 30lb back off in the late fall (after kings and fleas are done)
  19. This applies to all fishing the two most over used phrases "always" and "never". Also the two biggest lies Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. i do this I used to set it out the side by tossing the lure out while holding the rod and between catching the rigger or having the spoon or fly flip back on itself and wrap I got sick of it so tried different methods. running it out the shoot turned out to be the easiest to do and to teach. this method is also a lot easier in rough weather.
  21. the boats not uncovered yet so the mind wanders. as for the regs when 3 rods was first introduced it actually had a provision for ice fishing you could do 5 tip ups and 3 hand lines. that was only for that one (maybe two) years. than they changed it to the 7 period. the ambiguity in tip ups stemmed from the definition that was used that stated any line with a signaling device could be considered a tip up so by definition if you had a spring bobber on your jig rod and put your jig rod down it became a tip up for that time because you could see a hit. that used to be the source of all sorts of "fun" conversations and thought experiments on various chat rooms. the new rule is very clear 7 and you have to attend them. there are still hypothetical's out there but mostly they are just the result of ridiculousness or boredom and not very practical as for seth green rigs I have run them a couple times i don't see any reason you couldn't run a stick bait. i would think a shallow diver would run much better than a deep diver but that is just speculation. i have limited experience with rigs they work and i did catch fish they just are not the top of my personal preference list
  22. its one of the changes in recent years that i have been really happy to see and a sign that the DEC at least wants to try and work with fisherman.
  23. I'll have to go back and look the change was to get rid of the ambiguity around what is a tip up so instead of 5 tipups (traps) and two hand lines it's now just 7 total lines in combination Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. Ice fishing is 7 lines any combo of tipup tipdown or hand line Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. On my set the eye bolt is about centerline but it is about 6 inches long and bent up at about the half way point this puts the attachment point up high without putting to much leverage on the board so it can still ride mostly level. they are cedar and over 30 years old at this point and still work fairly well sit nice and low and dig nicely through waves
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