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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. What it proves is Lake Trout are opportunists and are scavengers.
  2. They mentioned at Lockport meeting that they will wait to see what the YOY class looks like before determining any cuts. They won't know until after the March/April haul happens. After this winter.......the bait should be in great shape. Last thing I want to see is another year of endless schools of bait with no hooks around it so hopefully no cuts.
  3. Glad the pup is working out. After losing a dog recently, my German Shorthair became stricken with the loss of her buddy. She would stare out the window waiting for him to come home. General malaise and moping around to the point it was breaking my heart. We started looking for German shorthair rescues and were frustrated by the lack of selection. Many sites had German's listed but when you saw the picture you could tell MAYBE 2 % German LOL. Doesn't surprise me as they are great dogs so they don't come up for adoption much. A no-kill animal shelter was raided in Kentucky where they found 186 dogs on site in horrible condition. A call went out to area shelters to take the dogs and as a result we found a pointer mix in Ohio that was a transfer from the Kentucky site. So begins "project reclamation dog". We named the new dog Noodles. Her previous name given was Squirrelly so you can imagine what this dog is like. Hip and rib bones showing. Probably had to fight for food as she would bare her teeth around other dogs but LOVES humans. After some trying times with Tinkerbelle (my german) she began to except her and now loves to play with her new friend. Tinkerbelle "tolerates" her well as she is young and an imp. Sad state of affairs at the shelter as I had to teach the dog simple tasks such as how to play, or how to allow herself to be sniffed by another dog without attacking. Early on she showed zero signs as a hunter. Bunnies and birds went unnoticed. Now that she has settled in I have noticed her taking interest in chasing rabbits and squirrels. If I was to guess her breed I would say because she is from Kentucky (they love their squirrel dogs) she is probably a rat terrier/ pointer mix. Say a prayer for me.....LOL.
  4. Must have been really choppy out there as you were upside down quite a bit !
  5. You have a mirage/glow pattern......its all you need. Nice flies.
  6. You said Chubby...... .....but I don't think I looked down at their pants once. I will have to go back and review.
  7. Vince Pierleoni -Thrillseeker Sportfishing and Bob Cinelli - Bob Cinelli Sportfishing, both out of Olcott. Both have a wealth of experience and large comfortable boats if waves kick up.
  8. Were you trolling along the ledge next to Strawberry Island?
  9. I would second that I think you will donate tackle with light leaders with Kings around. They are usually 2 year olds that will wreak havoc. If you have an inline dragging there is a lot of additional pressure. I probable lose more tackle to large cohos then anything. A 8-10 lb Coho doing their death spin break split rings, line, clasps etc. As stated, you are going to find them in stained water anyway so you don't need light leaders!
  10. I run a 20 lb shark on a Big Jon Brute sometimes. You can order a solid boom and never have to worry about snapped booms. The problem with Big Jons have been at the threads of take-down booms. Just call Big Jon and tell them what you want for boom size.
  11. Spoken like someone who has never caught a King.
  12. Yes, any ditch entering the lake, sunny spots, power plant outflows, lake currents (debris fields). Just keep looking at the surface temp on your graph as you troll and you will find the pockets of warm. Use your eyes also as a flock of Terns diving will be a tell for a school of Emerald Shiners and Cohos nearby.
  13. As much as I hate to lose a warm water discharge source like the Summerset Plant, the lake will be better for it. The Summerset plant was dumping Mercury in lake from it's exhaust that was measured by the tonnage per year. Not sure why they couldn't make the conversion to Natural Gas work.
  14. Shakers in the top 30', bigs down 250' +++
  15. Sand sprinkle technique is hard to clean from what I understand. I used interlux with non-slip additive. Tape off the area and roll it on.....easy. Make sure the surface is free of oil or wax and prep with an acetone wipe.
  16. Run one rigger and use the thumper off the opposite corner then two dipsys staggered. Mag dipsy on the rigger side, standard dipsy on thumper side. Add two board lines of leadcore in the spring and you will have all you can handle.
  17. With a bad knee you may have more trouble standing and casting in a drift boat. If you are going to the Vail area, winter will still be fully present. The rainbows will start to run up to Dillion reservoir dam. The fly there is the Mysis Shimp pattern. Also throw a large zonker streamer to change it up a little.
  18. So I could be eating fillets that will take my pain away in my joints and help with arousal? Sounds like a good deal to me! Gives new credence to the expression "trouser-trout".
  19. You will have to find the right stuff that is compatible. For example, King Starboard does not bond to anything.
  20. No but tipping a silver leaf spoon with a piece of worm works. You really don't need anything fancy. When the shoreline sets up you can catch them on a cigarette with a treble.
  21. The shoreline has probably not set up until after next weeks warm up. Night time temps are in the 20's so the skinny water is not the warmest. We need warm rain and sunshine. If you head out now the fish will most likely be off the bank a little. 15-25' might be where they are. Lakers will be out a touch deeper.
  22. Demise of the emerald shiner + gobies eating bass fry = less bass.
  23. Drag curve is similar to dipsys.
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