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Sodus Pro Am

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I hope you guys get into the Pro-Am...I want to see this comedy show live & in person!!! I think you guys would easily have the most fun out there!


This looks like it's going to come together. Get the TV cameras ready. :D:D:D

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TEAM LIQUID PLUMBER will be fishing at SODUS . I heared that there might be a dock problem because of some places changing hands? We are pumped up this year with our fourth and third finshes plus the best in the west cup! hope to see every one at oswego and sodus. DEL P.S. GOOD LUCK TO ALL

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Its official the L.O.U.S.E.R.S. are a team and were in,well checks in the mail dont nobody steal our team name.. me duh captian,think well be at fowlers marina on the east side ..FISHINMAN(TWO RODS) :? MUSKYBOB(CURTIAN GUY) ;) AND RAY K. ( BUFFY) :$

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We are going to be team "Cowboy 37" . Look us up . We will probaby be at the Cowboy 37 bar. [A long legged blond barmaid]Supposed to get hats, shirts dock etc. I cant remember how many shots we had to drink to get the sponsership. But it is going to happen.We got a room at Abes.

Now for the hard part. Catch a cooloer full of big salmon.Got our brn. and rainbow program down but I think im driving around the salmon.Havent broke 15lbs yet.

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Yes it looks like No Promises will be in the Am next weekend. Still a little ify on the observer for both days but should be alright.

As long as we do not lose 9 fish in a row next weeekend.

Fish stix, I showed you what to run for those kings but you can run that in the ProAm. If you do, the bill for that "finder's fee" will have a few extra 0's in it :D


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not that we would be interested in any longlegged bar maid but we should know where this place so we could act like gentlemen and talk fishing(ant that right capt johnson).. with a name like ours i cant figure why the phone ant been ringing off the wall with sponsers,,,, but there will be some SIGGS RIGS FLYS behind our flashers stay away from the green mirage it will keep catching fish causing you to set down your beverage to reel in another fish specially behind a gr mtn dew spindocter.. keep your eye on the board for TEAM L.O.U.S.E.R.S. (start at the bottom).....

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Its across the street from Capt Joes. Cant miss em...... Heading west its across the street from Abes up about 100 yds.

Ive got 5 days to figure the salmon out . Starting tomorrow. I should be able to get a handle on em. Or I could just follow the No Promises boat around.

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I'm really looking forward to my first ProAm. 3 noobies to the circuit ought to be fun. Maybe we'll have enough write a book after this one. "Ray K. On Kings" Look for it at your favorite bookstore. :D

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I AM PUMPED :!: Can't wait to meet Curtainbob opps I mean Muskeybob :lol: and I have been looking forward to meeting Fishstix for a few years now

(wish Skeiner was here too ;( )

Hope to see Billy V and Yankee throw down over the Habenaro vs Malloto :lol:

Team L.O.U.S.E.R.S will have the best eats on board our boat that I can tell you. Man I can taste those grilled marinated tenderloin sandwiches with on my famous crusty ciabatta bread and herb mayonnaise now MMMMMMMM GOOD :D:D:D

Good luck to you all, but we'll need it :roll: :lol:

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Ring the dinner bell and Team Savant Spoon will come over. Sounds yummy. We will bring the beers. See you guys at the captains meeting. Just look for the white Savant Spoon shirts and the Red Sox caps. I'm the chubby guy about 6 feet tall. Say HI.


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Hey team Servent, Team L.O.U.S.E.R.S. won't let you near that meal with beer, that calls for a fine wine. I might drive down to the dock and watch them eat. Good luck gentlemen. Hey Ray you got to run copper and rasberry Pirates. Mike.

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team southchop is now going to be team latham this weekend in the am division we are taking our crack at the fish without our captain so it should be interesting...we'll be docking at kerry's so if anyone is around stop and say hi it would be nice to meet you all...color- blue ,boat-sea fox

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I will be fishing out of a red Lund with a tan top. Docking behind the 37 bar.

Ive got a feeling Fri. nite is going to be a rough one.Looking forward to meeting all you guys also.

No Promises on behalf of the Pro Am thanks for the donation..

Fishinman I would like to meet Skeinmachine also. I miss the wars.

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I can't make this one this year ;( But good luck to all

And Fishstix ,I hope your "catch rate "matches your" release rate" that you had last weekend :lol: Met Cosigner today ;)

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