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Everything posted by spoonfed-1

  1. Good laker bite 100+ fow near bottom. Big river and north. Only game I could find.
  2. I would suggest putting 300 ft on if possible. It will last a lot longer with that extra 100 ft. P.S. Love my subtroll.
  3. And even if they don't some clown on a message board will accuse them of it..
  4. In the past I've had the stop beads slip if something like weeds or plastic gets pulled into the front roller with the bead. Two beads back to back will hold better in that situation than one. Another reason to run multiple beads is to stop the weight below the surface of the water to prevent swinging on a rough lake and then raise it to line setting position when you are ready on the second stop.. Multiple beads will not cause any problems on the spool.
  5. Ask Traxstech and if you can't wait for a response see if you can pop the plastic cap off the top of the main beam if nothing on the bottom. Carefully.
  6. A big thanks goes out to all you morally superior people who choose to sit home and judge me as I go trolling by. One less set of boards I need to maneuver around today.
  7. You got it. And my boat has the business name on the sides and I will fish as long as it's legal to.
  8. News to me. I fish out of Mexico and no trips that I'm aware of. I WILL BE FISHING FOR RECREATION SO DON'T GET MY NAME INVOLVED IN THESE RUMORS. Thanks Glen (Reel Adventure Charters)
  9. Pretty sure they are talking about closing a boat launch if people don't smarten up.
  10. I got one as well. LOL Just let the haters hate. To many good people around to worry about the haters and the "I know betters"
  11. Say it, Chin-ah. China. China virus. Sanctuary states are loaded with the China virus. They breed filth, crime and drugs. Has anybody heard the media do any reporting on the effects on the homeless in Sanctuary cities and states?
  12. China virus. Can you say China? Chin-ah
  13. A sanctuary state bans recreational fishing for the good of the people. Unbelievable.
  14. Scotty pinch pad releases, no mono between.I clamp right on the braid.
  15. East end May to end of Sept last 3 years usually August and Sept for the best numbers.
  16. Best I've found https://www.anchorexpress.com/SHURFLO-PRO-BLASTER-II-Washdown-Pump-Deluxe-4248-153-E09?_vsrefdom=googleads&msclkid=a53390df074e1d992f77ce81967d1a3e&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=**LP Shop - Misc. Brands S-Z&utm_term=4576579715361497&utm_content=4248-153-E09 | "SHURFLO PRO BLASTER II Washdown Pump Deluxe - 12 VDC, 4.0 GPM - 4248-153-E09" | %24141
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