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Fish long enough it is going to happen.....Trip to ER for me. Friggin' Coho tasty pain in the arses!!! Olcott pier is filthy with Browns right now.



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I assume you did the honorable thing and kept fishing!  :lol:    I had a guy with me once at Chincoteaque that gave the rod a good yank in 5' of water, missed the fish, and set the 4/0 hook straight down into his lower lip.  I pulled the minnow off and cut the line and he refused to quit.  After about 1/2 hour of looking at him with a cigarrete in one side of his mouth and a nice silver hook hanging out of the other, I told him we're done and headed in to the doctor.

Edited by Big Water
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You could have used the fishing line technique to remove it. I've used it before and it works and doesn't really hurt.


Check out this crazy video of it.



There are lots of videos on Youtube on how to do it.

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That is in real bad, and without being able to push the end down it wouldn`t come out pulling it very easy. I have done a few, I always cut the other hooks off before trying to pull it out.  After a couple of beers no problem

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I once had a rapala in my shoulder  (no shirt on) during the summer and fishing all alone. I went into the launch ramp to get some help and there was a guy with two kids I asked him to pull the hook through the skin so I could cut the barb with my wire cutters. He told me he thought he would get sick if he tried. I pulled out my boat and headed to the hospital emergency room and was greeted by a nurse (after filling out papers) and I said "Man...I'm really embarrassed about this...pretty stupid mistake" She responded "Oh....that's not nearly as bad as the guy that was just in here he sat on a big hook with three prongs on it and we had to cut off his pants to get at it....(Honest to God truth).

Edited by Sk8man
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I feel your pain. I took a rapala hook in the finger same as you. It went straight in to the bone. No getting it out alone. Oswego ER and i get the one Dr who has never seen a fish hook before. Shots of novicane a knife and some pliers did the trick. Sore for a week....here's to a quick recovery

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I've used the line technique on several occasions and it's worked very well with almost no pain but you do need to be able to push down on the hook to disengage the barb. Perhaps it was to deep to allow you to do this. The worst is when one barb is in you and another in a thrashing fish. Wishing you a rapid recovery!

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