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RANTS about some Crazy A## Boats in Rochester

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We want to share this comical situation from last Saturday while fishing in Rochester. Two things happened during that day.

First thing in the morning, we were out all by ourselves trolling east of IBAY in the shallow water with inline boards out. Guess what came next, a charter boat motoring all the way from the west and slowly stopped in front of us and cutting us off from the virgin fishing ground. While there were nobody in the water, this captain doesnt seem to be very bright when he decided to cut us off and set up his gear in front of us. I am not talking about 300 yards, I am talking about 30 to 40 yards in front of us. I do not understand why did this has to happen. Of course, we were very upset by this type of intrusion. For the next 20 minutes, I kept pushing ramming the boat up in to back of the captain's a$$. There is no way this charter boat can catch a fish like that with me on the boat behind his butt. I have made it a point in the past that I would graciously allow the charter boat go by their business however for someone to cut us off like that when there is nobody in the water, I will not BACK DOWN. :@

Second incident, we were trolling in between the mud plume and green water. Out of no where, a large Tug Boat came in rushing in between our boat and another boat that was trolling. I couldnt believe my eyes. With the whole water wide open, this tug boat jerk had to decide to be funny for the moment. This tug boat has completely pinned the other boat. Some harsh words were exchanged over the VH radio. Thankfully, my deafness prevents me from hearing any ugly words.

I will post photo of this incident.

I am gonna look around for a water balloon launcher................... Word to Wise: please respect the fellow anglers & boaters

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pike hunter, i hear you. i had a minor incident saturday as well. we were trolling in the fog. i had already gone out deeper than i wanted to fish to get away from the fleet and was using my compass and electronics to hold a straight line on some trails i had on my screen where i had been hitting fish. no land reference, small boat into the wind/chop/swell. it wasnt easy. i was trolling 2.0-2.5 and a big baha charter came up behind me from port side quartering into me and going twice my speed. i held my line because i had boats on my starboard but this guy gets along side me maybe 150' and then turns directly at me close and throws his arms up. i yelled over "what did i do?" and he started yelling "give and take, ive been pressing my button left several times" i said " im holding a straight line" but that wasnt good enough. by this time his board is coming up behind my board and he says "you better hit the gas because were gonna get tangled". i said "ill hit my "button" right, you hit it left, i dont want to be anywhere near you." the button thing is now one my favorite jokes with my buddies now. all well, i guess its gonna happen every now and then. but, if you always do the right thing then there is no worries. the a-holes will never go away. best, mark

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Pike Hunter.....had an incident recently fishing with icedd....trolling along, boards and flat lines out, then out of nowhere a bass boat comes roaring up,slows down, and proceeds toward shore right behind our boards...we're yelling and pointing towards our board ,he says "i see it"...he continues, crossing behind our boards by about 50 feet!!! He catches our line,,drag starts going i have to snap the line and lose the lure!!! We're furious !!! NO common sense or fishing courtesy....i am gonna put the reel in free spool next time and let those inconsiderate fisherman wrap 350 yards of 25 lb. test in their prop!! .................choo-choo

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Hey guys, I can't believe your so surprised at the things your fellow boaters and fishermen do. Its been happening forever and that' it and that's that. And its not just Rochester its the hole lake so grin and bare it. :o

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Ive had a couple of "reel exciting" moments from a charter out of the oak (running in front and setting up "reel" close,then another trip same boat tried to get "reel" close to shore when i was already "reel" close to shore almost bouncing the boards (me )on the shore line (still a different fishing trip) after having the spot for several hours to my self I did slide out for this "exciting" captian ....................about 50 ft :lol: Just so he didnt have to put his clients In DANGER by beaching his boat in the rocks....but his gear tangling and boards running into shore cost his CLIENTS some valuable fishing time. At Least I had some CONSIDERATION FOR HIS CLIENTS SAFTY...

The good analogy is a rookie or inexperianced "Stock Car Driver" who will shake yer hand in the pits and your face but once on the track (water) all is fair dispite the SAFTY OF ALL INVOLVED.

Trust me everyone (most) in that port or others will talk nice to those types of Captians Face but ,after a few years doing pro /ams the things you hear behind their back is not the way most of us would like to be talked about ..

It is the actions of a few 10% who cause the other 90% to suffer with new laws soon we,ll need turn singals,4 ways ,bright "I'M FISHING HERE STUPED" banners flying, tho a few water ballons filled with mustard might help l identify the Inconsiderate ones... But SAFTY FIRST MIGHT BE A CONSIDERATION FOR ANY CHARTER OR ANYONE on the water, but hey Im only a rookie with over 4000 logged hours on the water in the last few years and maybe a few more hours in my 40 years pluss behind the wheel of a boat...

Thank You for your post at the begining of the season ,your one "rant" may hit home to the offenders and if one life is saved or serious injury or incadent is averted because of your post and pic then it will go to show just how strong the L.O.U. community can be when It comes


I thank you and so do many,many others that use the PUBLIC WATERS IN OUR COUNTRY!!!!!

Ray Koziatek.

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Ive had a couple of "reel exciting" moments from a charter out of the oak (running in front and setting up "reel" close,then another trip same boat tried to get "reel" close to shore when i was already "reel" close to shore almost bouncing the boards (me )on the shore line (still a different fishing trip) after having the spot for several hours to my self I did slide out for this "exciting" captian ....................about 50 ft :lol: Just so he didnt have to put his clients In DANGER by beaching his boat in the rocks....but his gear tangling and boards running into shore cost his CLIENTS some valuable fishing time. At Least I had some CONSIDERATION FOR HIS CLIENTS SAFTY...

The good analogy is a rookie or inexperianced "Stock Car Driver" who will shake yer hand in the pits and your face but once on the track (water) all is fair dispite the SAFTY OF ALL INVOLVED.

Trust me everyone (most) in that port or others will talk nice to those types of Captians Face but ,after a few years doing pro /ams the things you hear behind their back is not the way most of us would like to be talked about ..

It is the actions of a few 10% who cause the other 90% to suffer with new laws soon we,ll need turn singals,4 ways ,bright "I'M FISHING HERE STUPED" banners flying, tho a few water ballons filled with mustard might help l identify the Inconsiderate ones... But SAFTY FIRST MIGHT BE A CONSIDERATION FOR ANY CHARTER OR ANYONE on the water, but hey Im only a rookie with over 4000 logged hours on the water in the last few years and maybe a few more hours in my 40 years pluss behind the wheel of a boat...

Thank You for your post at the begining of the season ,your one "rant" may hit home to the offenders and if one life is saved or serious injury or incadent is averted because of your post and pic then it will go to show just how strong the L.O.U. community can be when It comes


I thank you and so do many,many others that use the PUBLIC WATERS IN OUR COUNTRY!!!!!

Ray Koziatek.

Thanks for hinting at a name. If we all mention the name of the charter boat involved,the offending "captain" might get the message, because many of us would decline to suggest his name to people looking for a charter trip.

That would not be so "reel exiting" for the bad mannered charter captain

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I had an incident 3 weeks ago on a Sunday that "Reel"y upset me . I was keeping a "Reel"y straight line along the shore line in about 7-9 feet of water with a certain charter gaining ground behind me and to my right. This "Reel" clown comes out of the cabin, tells me to move out towards the lake, and slinks back in the cabin quick. I didn't know for certain if the rules of the road stated I needed to move so I complied, and watched them pick up 2 fish right in front of me. I was sick to my stomach. Got home later to learn about "give way" and "stand on" vessels and realized I had been bullied by this "Reel" jerk. I hadn't posted anything on here because I was concerned about calling out charter captains and boats, especially since there are so many regulars here that are not like this and post helpfull information. Someone else finally posted their "Reel" experience so I figured what the heck.

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Rolmops yer right we all should wait till someone dies or is seriously injured ,before mentioning any offender ...Then after that the waters will be safer for all due to the new laws imposed...............or we all could use the L.O.U. pledge :BE KIND : BE COURTEOUS : BE RESPECTFULL :


my post is 100% truth ..... I could mention at least another 4 or 5 encounters with the same vessel with signed afidavids from the people i had with me ...

I.m sorry you feel offended ....To my way of making the waters Safer for all ...


Maybe in hindsite i Could of : pulled all gear and go home..

:steared in direction i was being wedged, extended middle finger as the sign language being displayed to me.

: I could of run tighter sunk my boat and my crew swim to shore

Naa yer right in the years sence i have suggested PROFESSIONAL CHARTERS many times so let nature takes its course...

I End Every post with :ALWAYS LEARNING OR NEVER LEARNING Maybe it doesnt only apply to me.

Thanks for the follow up.

PS my apoligies Sir (rollmops) I misread your post this is a edit (my PS) i just got back from a 2 day hudson river trip, and am sorta sleep deprived (left at midnite sat,drove thru the nite started fishing at 530 am till dark tried to sleep with dualing snore'ers,fished in some nasty weather then 5 hrs home drive...but yer right all clients i send to other ports now ,and have gone from 100 days a season mostly at the oak to just a few . Im shure local buisnesses would welcome my extra 90 days of gas ,meals ,coffee,coffee,coffee,and lodging...ah me justa plummer..My apoligies for misreading yer post again....(id rather apoligize for a screwup rather than cover it up and pretend it didnt never happen)

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Anthony and I were fishing together on Saturday and many four letter words were coming from my mouth about the charter captain who pulled in front of us only 100 yds. away. Unfortunately this is not the only time I've seen a boat do this - literally we were almost on his boards he was that close by the time all was said and done.

The tug boat situation was even worse and downright dangerous - kudos to the captain of the fishing vessel for keeping his cool and navigating appropriately.

It takes a lot to get me going as this should be fun and enjoyed by all, but there's only two things that really burn my hairs:

1.) Setting up in front of me so close that I can see what lures you're using

2.) Charter Captains or first mates that "yell" at their clients when they try and get their point across about how to bring in a fish. I realize it has nothing to do with this, but just over the past few days I watched a video clip of a charter and I couldn't believe how the captain was yelling at two of his paying customers in the video on how to bring in the fish. I've been on the other end of that garbage and you bet I'll never set foot on that boat again. I've first mated on boats, fished tourneys with a few charters and payed myself for trips and unfortunately I've seen it way too much. In fact several years ago I actually payed for a charter with my brother b/c we were thinking about approaching the captain about possibly a joint charter business venture with him and buying his current boat (he was interested in buying a bigger boat) but after he and his brother chewed us both a new one after we lost a fish during a Pro-Am, that was it for us.

Sorry to rant - and of course there are many, many respectful captains on this lake who are always courteous and eager to share information and I have talked with many of them and learned so much from their experience much greater than mine.

By the way gang - Anthony is one of the most soft spoken and nicest guys you'll ever meet - you know this had to tick him off to rant like this......

- Chris

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Hi my name is Mark "REELJERKS" I fish from I-Bay and my boat is not in the slip yet. What was the name on the boat? PM me if you do not want to post here. Did I just take that the wrong way?

I do not have a Capt. Licence.


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I know who he meant and the guy is a REEL @$$. I should have REELY easily kicked his @$$ about a month ago. If I was in the Tank it would have been you getting de-boarded Mr. Grape juice! And if it wasn't him well than theres my Rant! ;) Tank

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We had a similar incident this Spring in Rochester. Boy did he get us FIRED UP! He didn't know who we were at the time b/c we were rolling nameless on our new ride. He quickly found out who we were and called to apologize the next day. My theory is if you have to apologize later for what you did don't do it. Well, I wasn't having his apology, and had to let him go to net some fish. I thought maybe I was over reacting, but having some Cold Steel tourney team members on the boat with us that day we were sure he was being a jack wagon. My brother was actually on his way over to cut his board line with a knife and take his planer board when I talked him out of it. Some of these guys think because they have been here for years they have right of way. I feel your pain Anthony! Don't sit back and take it.

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Hi my name is Mark "REELJERKS" I fish from I-Bay and my boat is not in the slip yet. What was the name on the boat? PM me if you do not want to post here. Did I just take that the wrong way?

I do not have a Capt. Licence.


Good to know... i was wondering "wow, isn't that guy a moderator?"

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A charter pushing others in or out??

I've NEVER seen that happen. :rofl:

Have heard folks in the past, mention the word "paintball guns."

I would not condone that action, but sure would laugh my a$$ off if I saw it happen, even though it would be wrong.

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Do I need to take (Reel Hooked Up off my boat?) :D Glad I fish out of the Finger Lakes, If I go up to Rochester now I will probably get sunk. I have never had any problems from other fisherman on the Finger Lakes. I have lost several boards but they were all from pleasure boats, sail boats, and kyakers. Just due to the fact a lot of these folks don't know how much room to give you. I have been lucky and have not run into the situations like stated above. Sean

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Unbelievable......really? Paint ball guns now? That's a fantastic way to find yourself in jail. It's called criminal mischief, harassment, and menacing. Not to mention If I were to see a weapon( real or not) pointed at me....the results may end in a senseless tragedy.

Fellas I understand your frustration, but cooler heads prevail in most cases. If a guy runs you off a spot, let him know what you think then move on..... Just remember how that particular boat is and adjust your trolling pattern accordingly. It has worked for me the last 25 years....resorting to throwing objects and challenging physical confrontations can only end one way.

Good luck out on the water and tight lines......

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I thought of dropping one of those dummy gernads on one of those bad boys deck But!!! ssssome poor slob on board would jump overboard and not be able to swim :( . There was three charters out of Catfish creek that ran 34fters that thought it was fun to crowd the small boats out.They laugh about it on the radio. They started to push a friend around and he got on the radio and told him if he didn't back off he would shoot a flair in his cabin. He never bothered him again. I'll bet Muskie Bob knows who I'm talking about. Maybe he's not old enough. :lol:

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