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for sale : usa Trolling Liquidation Sale/closed due to internet hero

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After several years off of the water I have decided I will not be returning. This is great news for anyone looking to buy something in the trolling field as I have a ton of stuff from downriggers to electronics. I will be adding a list here with pics however if there is anything you are looking for hit me up.


off the top of my head I have 4 riggers

older cannon mag 10s


Thousands of spoons mostly nk 


shimano Tekota levelwinds for rigger rods and wire rods 


planer boards both inline and the larger ones for planer lines.


300-400-600 coppers on penn reels.


probably close to 40 rods of different males.



like I say will be adding to the list in the next couple days with photos and if you think of anything you need or are looking for hit me up here first. 


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Looking for a 300 copper, leadcore, wire diver setup and a bunch of other stuff.  Just getting started myself.  If you are close by would like to stop by and check out what you have. 


Thank you! 

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I am located in Rochester NY but will travel to reasonable places along the shore line if needed. 
please let me post pics of everything to take a look.

the Tekotas are 600lcs


i have several leadcore setups also.


I’ll put a rush on this and take some pics tonight!


the 400 copper is on a pen reel I just forget the model I apologize but will take pics this evening.


thanks again guys.



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Ok guys thanks for the responses however I must admit this was not what I expected….

Due to responses in post and pms I will be going in order of responses. I need to do a little research for pricing so please be patient. I don’t wanna rip myself or anyone else off or be priced too high or too low. I just got home and took some quick pics. Maybe I should be selling an item at a time idk I’ve never done this before 🤷‍♂️







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Hey guys,

after seeing the response on this I am going to be re evaluating how I go about this.

I will still honor all questions and inquiry’s however some of the questions being asked are pretty specific so I will be listing small lots to this post. Please be patient and I will follow up here shortly.


so far 2 tekotas are spoken for

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Ok so after a little inspection of the riggers I’m missing the bases and the battery side of the cable that I forgot to take off the boat before I let it go. Whoops. 

jimi I’ll send ya some pics later but I’m thinking 75 each. They are old beat up but worked last time the boat was out. Up to you.

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I can get a quote for you on shipping.


im sorry guys that I haven’t responded to many on certain items is because I am currently negotiating with pms.


I have two Tekota to part with still fishin fool and the planers.


tekotas 125 each and planers for 25 for the set.


on a side note I did meet with someone today to sell two tekotas to see I’m serious to sell. I also explained if there are any issues to co tact me to make it right.

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