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Three (3) Rods

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You know guys,.........arguing with *** **** is like wrestling with a pig in the mud,.....sooner or later you’ll understand that he likes it.

EDIT: cmon stinger, no personal attacks please

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How you doing Sting?

I think Tom might be putting up this info for the benefit of new people to the site or guys that are just starting out.

This way they are not swayed by misinformation and one warped opinion :lol:

Right Has Been?

How's the river fishing been?


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How you doing Sting?

I think Tom might be putting up this info for the benefit of new people to the site or guys that are just starting out.

This way they are not swayed by misinformation and one warped opinion :lol:

Roger that spooner ;)

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Haven't been river fishing for a while Spoonfed, Been busy w/ work & weekend wrestling w/ the boy.Getting ready though.

To me LL it is a lot like Baseball / football. I have coached a lot of kids over the years w/ a few championship teams & am known for my ability to motivate my players & get them to play hard & win. I stress fundimentals & drill them . It gives them the confidence they need to be able to play well,be sucessfull, , not get discouraged & STICK WITH IT. A 300 dollar bat, Glove or cleats is not going to make a poor player play better. It's those fudimentals of knowing what to do that will . Get the comparison here? Those fundimaentals are what will really maximize potential.This is the part of it I don't think a lot of you get.

So to tell newbies that these extra rods will maximize their potential& not the rest is warped info IMO.In reality ,it may hurt or lower their potential.

A few friends have stated why they got out of T&S fishing . A lot of what i read into their reasons wasMainly Cost, Bad weather on their trips( Which can cause bad catch rates) .A few of my fishing buddies just don't really like trolling, somthing some of you can't fathom. And I have shown them some good days. They want to cast & retrive & will go pikeing but opt out of trolling.

And as for the wrestling with the pig in the mud? If the pig is tough enough, he dosen't lose.Pigs a pretty smart animal.

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So anyhow....way back in this thread...I stated that the bill is about to be reintroduced in the NYS Senate.It passed 57-0 in 2010.Sponcers in the NYS Assembly are actively being sought so that when the bill passes again....it will go to the Assembly and then a vote.Again....now is the time to get involved with your Assembly people if this is going to get done.Thanks for any help..............Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)

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A 300 dollar bat, Glove or cleats is not going to make a poor player play better.

No one said the third rod had to be an expensive one! :) Law of averages. If a newbie has more rods to run, the more chances he has of catching fish. That also makes it more likely that he is going to continue with the sport we all love. We all know that running the wrong speed or wrong depth will still produce fish. So if they are doing it wrong, more rods will increase their odds.

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You know guys,.........arguing with *** **** is like wrestling with a pig in the mud,.....sooner or later you’ll understand that he likes it.

EDIT: cmon stinger, no personal attacks please

Sorry,.....didn't realize I was a bad boy. :$

I'll save the fun stuff for a thread that isn't so thin skinned. :lipssealed:

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A few friends have stated why they got out of T&S fishing…my fishing buddies just don't really like trolling.

So it’s not because they catch fish/limit-out every time they go out?

So to tell newbies that these extra rods will maximize their potential& not the rest is warped info

“Increasing†& “maximizing†are spelled differently and they have different meanings. The intent of 3-rods is to increase potential.

A 300 dollar bat, Glove or cleats is not going to make a poor player play better

Having the right amount of proper gear is more important than having expensive stuff. I’m sure you’ve never told your catcher to try “this glove†rather than “that glove†or batter to use “this bat†rather than “that batâ€â€¦right?

Again it’s not about “playing betterâ€, it’s about increasing participation by increasing potential to catch a fish. (which is the part I know you don't get) One team, regardless of how good they are, is a cinch to win all the honors/awards that you seek if they’re the only team in the league. Unfortunately, that single team league would now have to pay the entire bill for field upkeep, equipment, trophies etc. (BTW - Leagues often give the players hats & t-shirts because they want the kids to remember and hopefully participate again.)

Tom B.


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Maybe Has been should take Longline fishing so he can catch a fish. And video the entire day to share!! Should be entertaining.


We should be able to wipe out all those annoying skippers if this passes............................................oh wait, aren't they next years fish? ;(;(

Same old broken record guys, sorry.

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Maybe Has been should take Longline fishing so he can catch a fish. And video the entire day to share!! Should be entertaining.


We should be able to wipe out all those annoying skippers if this passes............................................oh wait, aren't they next years fish? ;(;(

Same old broken record guys, sorry.

Thank you for all the valuable information you have posted on the topic.

Seems like most of the skippers we accidentaly hook are released in pretty good shape. Even in warmer water they are pretty resilient little guys if handled and released correctly.

But then again if you are dragging them around the lake until their dead their tough to release and become part of your limit.

Or do they?

If thats the case perhaps you are using the wrong releases.


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If you don't know how to hit or catch or fish I don't care what you use.If you don't know how you won't succede consistantly. The knowlege is key.

My buddies who don't like to troll say it is an "impersonal way to fish" . Can't argue with them on that.

When I go fishing I ALLWAYS , ALLWAYS try to learn from what& how I hooked up .............or NOT. Or PLAY BETTER.At first after a bad day I use to go buy more stuff($300 bat) & run that wrong and realized it's not what but how.

You watch a game latly? It's all about sstats.ERA, BA, QB, etc, etc, ratings are not scientific data of performance? DEC- What did you catch? How many hrs fished ? How many guys onboard? Where you from? How much did you spend?.........The stats you quoted.

Increase..........Maximize . Same thing . Spliting hairs here.

Spoonfed. I set my releases so freakin tight I have to yank hard to get them to release to reset lines .I do it to DRIVE the hooks in the hard bone of a fishes mouth deep so they have to be yanked out w/ pliers. I don't want false releases. I use offshores( they tattle tale) & after the line is in squeze them together as hard as I can& replace pads often .Those poor skips( got a lot this year) somtimes get all 3 barbs of a 2/0 hook in their tiny mouth& it amazes me how they do that . I know I killed more than a few this year.Maybe I will put the Blacks back on. You are truly the man to have figured out how to release them unharmed ! ! Please share.

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Sorry Hasbeen.

You are beyond any type of help.

If you can't figure out these minor problems by yourself and you don't do anything but argue with those that might be a touch sharper than yourself what do you want me to say?

You can't even figure out a kid with three swings at the ball has a better chance to hit it than that the same kid with one swing at the ball.

Geeze, thats really complex.

Argue with someone else please.

Thank you for your valuable input coach.


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Spoonfed For as well as you did last year, why would you want this law? Seems a bit greedy to me. And please don't hide behind Grandma & Grandpa or the newbies. I hate it when politicals allways make it about Bubba in the hood.

As for the Batter thing. If you are swinging at air, I don't care how many times you swing. The best hitters wait for their pitch and know how to swing at it.

I ask ,you guys answer, I don't agree, I rebutt, and you guys insult, I say somthing & I get editted .

You are correct, I am way beyond your help.

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Still don't agree with your T-ball thoery HB. A batter only has 1 bat. We can have 2 per person right now and soon to be 3. If you covered the plate with extra bats, you are more than likely going to hit the ball. LAW OF AVERAGES. A newbie will not go out there and put the rods all in the same section of the water column. He will spread the rods out. Once he finds fish, he can change things up and (as you would call it) "wait for his pitch".

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Spoonfed For as well as you did last year, why would you want this law? Seems a bit greedy to me. And please don't hide behind Grandma & Grandpa or the newbies. I hate it when politicals allways make it about Bubba in the hood.

As for the Batter thing. If you are swinging at air, I don't care how many times you swing. The best hitters wait for their pitch and know how to swing at it.

I ask ,you guys answer, I don't agree, I rebutt, and you guys insult, I say somthing & I get editted .

You are correct, I am way beyond your help.

If you haven't really gotten any reasons of why I support the 3 rod rule you should go back and reread the last 5 or 6 pages of information.

Read slowly because some are quicker than others. Then go back and reread the 10 or so pages that was posted on this subject in the past.

Then go back and reread the bunch of pages that you argued with everybody and accused me of being a liar because I can successfully release Steelhead. Again read slowly.

Only an idiot would claim wanting to catch fish, after driveing 530 mi round trip every weekend, was greedy. Big suprise Hasbeen.

I go fishing to catch fish.

And I respect the fishery. Anybody thats ever been on my boat will attest to that Hasbeen.

You could really learn something from all the experience on this board if you would keep your hands in your pockets instead of on the keyboard and read when you come here.

Just try it.

Have a great day and go catch some fish in the river.


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For as well as you did last year, why would you want this law?

Pardon me for taking a “swing†here.


The fishery is not on the state’s spending priority list. License sales have trended downward & the documented number of people going fishing has diminished. Tackle shops & manufacturers are struggling. (Even the “big box†stores carry more clothes than fishing gear.)

The cost of maintaining the fishery (stocking, field staffs, administration) is going up.

License fees have gone up; DEC budget was cut drastically; Hatchery staffs have been reduced. The state is not going to put as much money back into something that is not as popular as it once was. Fishing has & can put a lot of money back into the local economies.

You’re more concerned with one kid being able to hit it out of the park or some being able to pitch the perfect game and we're more concerned with being able to field a decent number of teams so the league can stay in existance.

Tom B.


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You are barking up the wrong tree about the partcipation thing . I believe two factors. Cost is a huge factor . A very expensive way to fish. Also After about 30 or so years of this,some are finding out it's not for them. Guys plan their trips up , get here, the lake flips, its transitional or rough weather etc. Hear that stuff on the radio all the time. We locals know not to go at these times or short day it but if you are up here what to do?Fish. Would the extra rod help ?The knowing what to do would be better. The streams are growing each year w/ fisherman, so guys are going.

State is broke & fishing is on the back burner. Sucks, but that's life.

Gambler you hit it on the head with the T-Ball thing. Everybody bats, nobody gets out, no score, we all get I Scream& a trophy. No patience. Then when we face a real pitcher , we can't handel it to strike out.The U.S. as we now Know it. Lack of tackle shops & new fisherman? No wonder.No shortage of Gameboys or Wei's.

Sorry to question you're fishing expertise Spoonfed. I should have known better. Been there done that many times w/ the Skip steely thing though.Thats why I'm a dick on this. Good luck on your quest for nervana.

Stinger............where the heck did you find that picture of me in the International Pig Wrestle offs.Right after that pic was shot I put a nifty switch on that guy & splaydled him for the championship.

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Reading this 3 rod epic I have come to realize how dangerous cabin fever is and how it can turn us into aggressive whatevers. We will soon need that third maybe even a fourth rod to break them on each others skull. I suggest we all should go ice fishing with 5 ,yes Hasbeen, 5 legal tip ups and a rod. Unless of course you only want to use one tip up in which case I will ask you to set out 5 anyway so I can take care of the other 4 that are on your license.

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Reading this 3 rod epic I have come to realize how dangerous cabin fever is and how it can turn us into aggressive whatevers. We will soon need that third maybe even a fourth rod to break them on each others skull. I suggest we all should go ice fishing with 5 ,yes Hasbeen, 5 legal tip ups and a rod. Unless of course you only want to use one tip up in which case I will ask you to set out 5 anyway so I can take care of the other 4 that are on your license.


Oh, I'm sure there will be another T-ball comeback for this one. Hey, everyone has to be good at something.

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