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New Proposed Law Will Cripple Boating and Fishing in NY

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Hell you got to pass a test to drive your car.

Been out on the road latley? :@

Like someone already said, You can't fix stupid.


Thanks, Glen. Just the quote I was thinking of.

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Definitely points to be made on both sides, but its just so clear we are under attack from all sides. Boaters don't fit the new pro-urban regime. Boaters use fossil fuel, participate in dirty outdated things like fishing, and actually contribute to the economy instead of draining it. Independant people are a threat. They want to discourage future growth in all outdoor activities-it's everywhere.

I actually had a couple different conversations today revolving around the criminal ethanol program. Who does it hurt the most? Rural people, and people who enjoy visiting rural places and getting out in the outdoors and on the water.

Do we need better education on the water? Sure, but I'm not sure thats the motive here and in alot of whats going on today.

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Just as a Driver's license for an automobile doesn't create smart drivers, a license for operating a boat will not create a culture of courteous and safe boaters. Once again, Albany is looking around to find sources for their excessive spending. If the money was guaranteed to go directly into improving launch sites and/or increasing patrols on all lakes to enforce the laws already on the books I might not be so cynical. I am over sixty and have always practiced safe boating without incident. The rules of the water are available for all to read and all boaters have to do is apply them. It does not take a genius. If these rules that the government imposes on us would also require common sense I'd be all for them. Otherwise...money grab. If history is any indication, then this is just the beginning. Next will be mandatory insurance and we'll soon be required to buy a card in order to obtain a fishing license (same as Ontario) and on and on...it never ends. We won't win but we should oppose these laws just as a matter of principle and to let Albany know that at least we're paying attention. Oh....and don't neglect to vote!

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i wish there was a rule that if it takes you more the 3 times to back your boat in the launch you lose you boat rights for the day.

I agree 200% I always get a good laugh at those people. I saw a guy in a mini van with a single axle trying to back his trailer in without the boat, on the 5th try he got it. The when he proceeded to pull out he floored the van, he forgot to put the outboard up and drag the skeg at least 50'. We had some younger kids in front of us in line and we all out just BS-ing with each other and the one kid yelled "Watch if you want to learn how to ruin a boat!" all of us in line died laughing. The guy with shorter skeg was a total idiot and a jerk to top it off. If you can't laugh at yourself or don't know enough to stop when you hear something dragging you shouldn't be driving a boat.

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Like I said initially, I'm absolutely 100% all for boater safety training, but I am dead set against another freaking license/fee. New York freaking State picks my pocket enough already.

What makes anyone think that pinheads will follow the rules of the water anymore because they have another card in their wallet. you certainly can't prove it by watching all the chooches on the road that have drivers licenses.

This is just another NYS bend over and grab your ankles cash grab, nothing more.


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I'm a 100% for it. We spend tons of money at this sport I think the course was 20 bucks when I took it. One time thing! I would much rather have people who understand rules of the road on the lake with me. Never have many problems with fishermen except one time last year a guy in a bass boat ran over my 9 rod spread about 40 yds behind my boat. Lucky he was going fast enough he must have had only the prop in the water because he didn't cut any of my lines. Hope they talk more about launching. It can be a real pain when the pleasure boaters are launching. 20 trollers can launch in 30 minutes but 2 pleasure boaters can tie that same launch up for an hour. Wonder why I have to take blood pressure meds. Wes

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"Quality Time", your example of a fast moving bass boat will continue with or without a safety course. Nine rod spreads will not be covered in the class.

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Hope that includes sailboats with kickers! They could learn about a boat overtaking another boat . Slower boat has right of way. Never understood how a sailboat going 10mph faster than I am thinks I can get out of the way!

Sorry bud, according to the rules,a sailing vessel always has the right of way.

There is discussion about that being true when the vessel is under engine power, but as a rule of fist, it is the rag boat that has right of way.

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What's next? Am I going to need a license to use a lawnmower?

That would would mean that you are no longer allowed to have a beer can holder on you your yard machine.

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USCG Approved Captain License, MASTER or OUPV 6 pack should cover the requirement. I will send a message to NY Assemblyman Robin Schimminger asking for clarification.

Capt. Larry D. Jones

Vice Pres. E.L.E.C.B.A.

Thanks Larry

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