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Update on my stolen Mercury kicker motor


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I received a call today from the Orleans County DA office regarding my stolen Mercury outboard.  It seems the bad mojo the thief acquired when he stole from a LOU member came back to bite him in the arse.  Good news is they caught the guy with other stolen items.  If anyone had fishing equipment stolen recently they may want to contact the Orleans County DA.  I don't have the thief's name yet but I will post it when I do.  I have a smile on my face from ear to ear.  :ninja:

Edited by Gill-T
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Probably part of that big drug bust they just had a few weeks ago in Buffalo and Lockport. Nice glad he got busted. Hope your motor is OK. I know you said the ass sawed off the bracket and that sucks...too bad you can't take a saw to his nuts! sad thing is, how much punishment will he actually get is not enough to deter the rest of them.

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Insurance company will get the motor as they paid out on the claim.  I think given the dollar amount of stolen goods he probably will do jail time as felon.

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That is great news. I had someone try to get my Honda in my driveway. I came home and the motor was turned to one side so they could get in between the big motor and the kicker. Lucky for me I had a heavy wire rope and padlock on the motor. That wire is hard to cut without special tools. They didn't get my motor but they still got a gas can full of gas! Lazy jackholes is a nice as I can put it!  Wes

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Good to hear my house was broken into 2 weeks ago only things taken were guns and bows and most of my hunting equipment,so maybe there's still a chance. I'm also dealing with insurance how long did it take to pay your claim? Hunting season is coming and I have no weapons and money to replace them.they keep telling me they're waiting on the police report

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Three weeks I think.  I did my due diligence with making sure all the paperwork went to the right places.  Also key was registering the motor as stolen with Mercury and multiple counties.  When the police checked with Mercury it came back registered as stolen.  

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Good news and it pays to fully report the stuff (e.g. to Merc etc.). Lets hope it is more than a slap on the wrist too. :yes:

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That's the best news I heard all day!!! Like stated above, I hope he gets what the scumbag deserves, like a broken finger for ever thig he has stolen. Even 10 broken fingers isn't good enough for this action!!

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